Sunday, January 28, 2018

Liberal States Lose Manufacturers. One Day They Will Awaken To No Companies Supporting Their Liberal Policies

Gun Maker Sick of Liberals, Abandons Calif. for Freer State

Another gun manufacturer has decided to vote with its feet. In this case, beating feet away from a state government that is openly hostile to the Second Amendment as well as from runaway tax-happy bureaucrats who never met a business they didn’t want to over-regulate.
According to Bob Adelmann of The New American, yet another manufacturing company has decided to pack up its entire kit and caboodle and leave the socialism-friendly confines of California.
Perhaps subconsciously borrowing from President Trump’s catchphrase, Weatherby, Inc., is sending the message to the world that it has every intention of Making Weatherby Great Again.
As it turns out, Weatherby manufactures high-end, top-quality custom rifles and shotguns for the discerning shooter. The gun maker is also obviously sick of being under the thumb of Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democratic controlled State Senate and State Assembly.
As Adelmann notes, company president Adam Weatherby, grandson of the founder of Weatherby Inc., dropped quite the bombshell in an announcement regarding his Paso Robles, California-company.
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(Check out the announcement Weatherby made during the 2018 SHOT show last week in Las Vegas.)
In a statement, Weatherby made it clear why the company was moving:
“We wanted a place where we could retain a great workforce, and where our employees could live an outdoor lifestyle.
We wanted to move to a state where we can grow into our brand. Wyoming means new opportunities.”

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Starting in 2019, it’ll be “goodbye Golden State, hello Cowboy State.”
While Weatherby starting anew in Wyoming might not be that big of a hit to the smoldering wreck that is the California economy, the gun manufacturing company will surely be quite the boon to Sheridan, Wyoming (population 17,444).
Weatherby is looking to bring somewhere between 70 and 90 new jobs to Wyoming, but perhaps more important to the townsfolk, a yearly payroll of roughly $5 million.
And Weatherby isn’t the only job creator pulling the plug on Democrat Party-controlled states.
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The New American also cites the following companies bidding perhaps a less-than fond hasta la vista to their current business-unfriendly states:
    • Magpul Industries, which pulled out of increasingly anti-gun Colorado in 2013 and moved its factories to Cheyenne, Wyoming.
    • Beretta, which left Maryland for Tennessee in 2016.
    • Remington Arms, which moved from New York to Alabama in 2014.
    • Colt and Sturm Ruger, which moved to Texas and North Carolina respectively.
Apparently a motivating factor in Weatherby’s decision to relocate would be the seemingly never-ending stream of new taxes and state regulations emanating out of Sacramento.
As reported by Edmund DeMarche of Fox News, two elected Democrat lawmakers have introduced a bill that would take away half of the Trump Tax Break from certain California-based companies:
“Calling the Trump administration’s tax reform plan a “middle-class tax increase,” two California lawmakers introduced a bill that would force large companies to fork over half of their expected savings to the state.
“Assemblymen Kevin McCarty and Phil Ting, both Democrats, introduced Assembly Constitutional Amendment 22, which calls for a 10 percent surcharge on companies with a net earnings over $1 million. The plan could potentially raise billions for the state’s social services programs.”
But wait! Hasn’t the state government already given a new and hefty tax on the job-creators? Yep, sure did.
As reported by CNN back in 2012;
The measure (Prop 30) creates three new personal income tax brackets for rich residents and adds a quarter-cent to the sales tax. The higher tax rates, which hit single filers making $250,000 and up and married taxpayers earning at least $500,000, last for seven years, and push the top tax rate to 12.3% for filers earning $500,000 and above, or $1 million per couple. It is effective starting with the 2012 tax year.
Please share on Facebook and Twitter. Especially if you live in a state that would welcome refugee businesses seeking economic freedom.
If you were a business owner, would you stick around in California? 

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