Monday, January 8, 2018

NO One Should Feel Superior To Anyone Else

Wisconsin Public School Administers Controversial Privilege Test to Eighth Graders

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Many people are aware of the liberal bias at colleges in the United States. Sadly, teachers are indoctrinating America’s kids in liberal, politically correct principles long before they take their first classes on a college campus.
In a seemingly blatant attempt to mold the belief systems of vulnerable young people, educators at Badger Middle School in West Bend, Wisconsin administered a privilege test to 150 eighth-grade kids in December of 2017.
The school district related to WITI-TV that instructors wished to begin a discussion about privilege after children read the book “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The classic novel concerns racism in the Jim Crow South. The assignment contained 55 statements for students to either mark or leave blank.
According to The Blaze, some of the preposterous statements included “I am white,” “I am a heterosexual,” “I feel comfortable in the gender I was born in,” “My family and I have never lived below the poverty line,” “I have never tried to hide my sexuality,” and “I have never been catcalled.”
Needless to say, all parents weren’t excited about their kids’ opportunity to take the privilege test. Kim Goldman, the parent of a Badger Middle School student, informed WITI-TV that she felt the manipulative privilege test wasn’t appropriate for eighth grade students to take. She said, “For a lot of children, they don’t even understand what most of it means.” She went on to add that her daughter certainly didn’t comprehend the meaning of the word catcalled. Although Goldman’s seventh-grade daughter didn’t take the test, she heard all about it due to the uproar it caused at the school.
WITI-TV revealed that an irate parent contacted the West Bend, Wisconsin police department about the privilege test. The police department informed the parent the issue was a school district matter. So, what did the school have to say about their seeming intent to brainwash students into feeling guilty about their race, sex, and upbringing?
Dave Uelmen, Principal at Badger Middle School, told WITI-TV, “Some of the language in the questionnaire I can see why, as a parent of a 13, 14-year-old eighth grader, some people may feel as though those are topics that should be discussed in the home and not the classroom.”
In response to the outcry of disturbed parents and others, the school district agreed to stop administering the privilege test. However, school officials unapologetically told WITI-TV they still support the assignment’s core ideas. Assistant Superintendent Laura Jackson insisted, “If we want our students to be successful when they go out into their careers in the future, they have to understand that not everyone is like them.”
Goldman feels she should be the only person to determine when some of the more controversial topics included in the privilege test should be discussed with her child. She told WITI-TV, “As a parent, it’s my responsibility to teach my children the difference between right and wrong.”
Unfortunately, the debacle at Badger Middle School isn’t an isolated incident. According to a New York Post report in 2016, an elite Manhattan school taught white kids as young as six-years-old that they were born racist and should feel guilty from benefiting from “white privilege.” School administrators at the Bank Street School for Children on the Upper West Side asserted they were utilizing a novel method to fight discrimination. Astoundingly, even liberal parents weren’t happy with the school’s decisive measures. They complained that the school, that teaches kids from kindergarten through the eighth grade, separated the white kids from the black ones.
Parents contended white children were made to feel horrible about their state of “whiteness.” Contrastingly, black kids were taught to be proud about their race. Purportedly, black children were also given treats and other special privileges. According to the New York Post report, school administrators created a designated space in the school for African American students. In this special zone, black children were encouraged by minority instructors to talk about their feelings and share personal experiences about being black.
According to parents, teachers forced white students to grapple with America’s history of racism under the veil of their Racial Justice and Advocacy curriculum. One parent of a Bank Street student said, “One hundred percent of the curriculum is what whites have done to other races.” Some students even reportedly came home in tears proclaiming, “I’m a bad person.”
Is this the future of our kid’s education?
~ American Liberty Report

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