Tuesday, January 23, 2018

November Is A Long Way Away, However, This Is Good News

Nancy Pelosi STUNNED by latest poll (she’s in DEEP trouble!)

Since their stunning defeat to Republicans during the 2016 presidential election, down-beaten Democratic Party loyalists have openly questioned the leadership of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
A surprising new poll from CNN just validated those concerns. The news has supporters of President Donald Trump cheering — and it could lead to Pelosi being fired from her leadership role.

Despite a full court press by the mainstream media, the American people are increasingly rejecting the Democratic Party in favor of Republicans. More and more voters are reporting that they’re fed up with establishment obstructionism — and instead, these voters are demanding lawmakers that support Trump’s agenda.
In the most recent CNN/SRSS poll, Republicans have gained a huge chunk of support since December.
On Jan. 18, faced with a generic ballot question on who they would vote for, Democrats or Republicans, registered voters gave Democrats a 5 percent lead. However, this is down from the staggering 18 percentage point lead that CNN claimed liberal lawmakers had in December.
“That leap can be directly traced to the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cut plan at the end of last year and seems to justify the belief among GOP strategists that passing the tax bill was absolutely necessary to energize their base and give them a chance to avoid broad-scale losses in 2018,” CNN reported. “That semi-surge on the generic, coupled with Trump’s modestly-improving approval rating (he’s at 40% in the new CNN poll, up from 35% in December) might well relieve some of the dread that many party strategists have been feeling about the coming midterms.”

Folks, this is straight from the mouth of CNN.
The same channel that insisted that Trump had zero chance of victory in the 2016 election.
If CNN is reporting that liberals are rapidly losing ground heading into the 2018 mid-term elections, one can assume it will only be worse at the ballot box.
And should Democrats lose another election, you can bet Pelosi, who has faced fierce internal opposition because of her repeated failures, will quickly find herself out of a job.

Is that good news?

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