Thursday, January 25, 2018

This Is Going To Awaken A Lot Of Snowflakes

Pro-life bill will get a vote in the Senate after Trump demanded it at March for Life

Pro-life bill will get a vote in the Senate after Trump demanded it at March for Life
President Donald Trump's demand that the Senate take up a vote on a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks will be answered by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)

President Donald Trump called for a vote in the Senate to pass the pro-life bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) appears to be fulfilling the request.
“Now Congress has an opportunity to take a step forward,” McConnell said. “I’m pleased to have filed cloture on this bill to protect unborn children who are capable of feeling pain.
“I look forward to voting for it early next week,” he concluded.

What did Trump say?

The president addressed the massive pro-life March for Life demonstration from the White House Rose Garden through a satellite video connection.
“I call upon the Senate to pass this important law and send it to my desk for signing,” he declared.
“Under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence and that is the right to life,” Trump added. “We are protecting the sanctity of life and the family as the foundation of our society.”

A test for the Senate

The 20-week abortion ban passed the House of Representatives last year but will be difficult to pass in the Senate because Republicans only have a slim majority and some moderate Republicans may balk at the increasing restrictions on abortion services.
The bill also needs 60 votes to pass, while the Republicans only have 51 votes in the Senate. The bill is sponsored by 45 Republicans.

Here are Trump’s comments to the March for Life:

The bill contains exceptions for rape in the cases of rape and incest. Under the bill,women getting illegal abortions could be fined and face 5 years in prison.
Prior to Trump’s March for Life comments, Vice President Mike Pence declared the president the “most pro-life president in American history” despite previously held positions that were much less restrictive.

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