Sunday, January 7, 2018

Is This What Muslims Believe!

Muslim Lawyer Says Raping Women Can Be Patriotic, Now He’s the One Dodging Rape

Muslim Lawyer Says Raping Women Can Be Patriotic, Now He's the One Dodging...

An Egyptian Muslim lawyer has been sentenced to three years in prison after he claimed that men have a “national duty” to rape women who wear ripped jeans.
Nabih al-Wahsh made the horrific remarks while participating on a panel on the Egyptian “Infra Show” on Oct. 19.
The topic of discussion was a proposed law on sex work, according to Al Arabiya.
Al-Wahsh denounced women who wear ripped jeans, adding that they were inviting men to harass them when they wore such clothing.
“Are you happy when you see a girl walking down the street with half of her behind showing?” he said, the BBC reported.
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“I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her,” he continued.
“Girls must respect themselves so others respect them. Protecting morals is more important than protecting borders.”
See his disgusting remarks in the video below:
This man represents everything that is wrong with Islamic culture in which women have little to no rights.
Egypt has a sexual violence problem, and it has been that way for decades.
This lawyer, and those who think like he does, provide a horrifying insight into the way many in these cultures perceive women.
Thankfully, al-Wahsh’s remarks sparked an outcry.
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Egypt’s state prosecutor charged al-Wahsh with “publicly inciting to flout the law” and “spreading with malice reports and statements meant to perturb public order… and harm the public interest,” according to the U.K. Daily Mail.
Al-Wahsh was sentenced to three years in prison.
This is not the first time al-Wahsh has found himself in the middle of a controversy.
The Mail reported that last year, the lawyer appeared on a talk show where he argued with an Australian imam about Muslim women wearing hijabs. The imam claimed wearing a hijab is choice and not a requirement for Muslim women.
Al-Wahsh disagreed with the imam and became irate. In a moment of anger, he took off one of his shoes and beat the imam on the head with it. Al-Wahsh has also denied the Holocaust and said he would kill Israelis, the BBC reported.
When he finds himself behind bars, Al-Wahsh will be eating his words about rape as he learns to dodge rapists, murders and other criminals himself.
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What do you think about al-Wahsh's remarks? 

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