Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Those Who Threaten To Assassinate Trump (Or Any President) Should Be Locked Up For Centuries!

Woman offers $20,000 for assassination hit on Donald Trump

January 8, 2018
Woman offers $20,000 for assassination hit on Donald TrumpGage Skidmore / CCL
A woman who is reported to be an aspiring model asked for someone to assassinate President Donald Trump. And she put her money where her mouth was.
Far-left Trump hater and former Twitter user Andrea Hudson published an offer of $20,000 to anyone who would assassinate the president.

Message to the president

In response to one of Trump’s tweets, Hudson, who tweeted under the handle “@Bossydrea26” said, “D******. I got $20,000 for anyone willing to assassinate your a**.”
Former Project Veritas operative and self-described investigative journalist Laura Loomer caught wind of the message and tweeted:
At some point, Twitter was informed and deleted Hudson’s account. But not before Loomer captured a screenshot of her tweet and reported:

Resist, resist, resist

From Nov. 8, 2016, the date of the presidential election, onward, there’s been a long history of attempts to remove Trump from the White House.
The election itself was a surprise. Democrats thought they had it in the bag, but they took the votes of the Rust Belt’s blue collar union workers for granted, and Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin fell to the GOP.
So Green Party presidential candidate and Hillary Clinton ally Jill Stein coughed up the funds from donations to demand recounts in key states. All they managed to do was to come up with additional Trump votes in Wisconsin and pro-Clinton voter fraud in Detroit. Another failure.Then Clinton supporters begged the Electoral College electors to vote contrary to their state’s voters. They failed again. As I wrote earlier for Newsmax:
When they cried that the Electoral College was unfair, no one listened and again they failed.
Hillary Clinton inaugurated her “resist” movement, which turned out to be as big a failure as she was as a candidate — another failure.
When the party of Jefferson and Jackson claimed Trump colluded with the Kremlin, the only evidence of collusion involved the DNC and the Clinton campaign — another failure.
So media outlets came to their rescue and reported “smoking guns” indicating corruption.
ABC News claimed candidate Trump ordered his pick for national security advisor to contact Russians. That failed — fake news — leaving Democrats feeling as empty as they did on November 8, 2016, when hopes for a Clinton presidency were dashed.
CNN’s report that Trump colluded with WikiLeaks was another failure — more fake news.
Failing all of that, Yale University psychiatry professor Dr. Bandy X. Leetold more than a dozen lawmakers in December that Trump was “going to unravel, and we are seeing the signs.”
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She made her diagnosis without ever having met the man. And the people aren’t listening.
So now it comes to this — assassination. With any luck, it will be yet another failure, and the president can retain what’s fast becoming his new moniker — “The Teflon Donald.”

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