Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Where Is The Condemnation And The Rununcing Of This Type Of Hate Speech?

A third Muslim imam in the United States has been recorded citing an Islamic text that prophesies the killing of Jews by Muslims.
As with the other two imams, Abdullah Khadra, speaking at a mosque Dec. 8 in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area, was responding to President Trump’s Dec. 6 recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Citing a familiar hadith, a collection of the sayings of Muhammad, Khadra said Islam’s prophet “gave us the glad tidings that at the End of Time, we will fight those Jews until the rocks and the trees will speak: ‘Oh Muslim, this is a Jew behind me.'”
Khadra asserted that the Israeli cities of Haifa, Acre and Jaffa are “Muslim land.”
“May Allah destroy everyone who wants evil for Islam and Muslims,” he prayed.
WND reported a Texas imam who cited the hadith, urging Muslims to “fight the Jews in Palestine” and “kill the Jews,” tried to repair relations with local Jewish leaders with an apology.
Imam Raed Saleh Al-Rousan of the Tajweed Institute in Houston said he was “absolutely and completely opposed to and disgusted by all forms of terrorism, all terrorists, and I oppose anyone who would commit, call for, or threaten violence against civilians.”
But Dayan Gross, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, pointed out that video of the sermon shows the imam basing his statement on the well-known Islamic hadith declaring, “Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews.”
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Another Texas imam, Sheik Ramadan Elsabagh of Garland, Texas, posted a recorded prayer on his Facebook page in December calling for Israel’s destruction along with “their allies, and those who assist them and those who allowed them into the abodes of the Muslims.”
‘Standard, mainstream religion’
“This is the standard, mainstream religion. It’s a hadith in a collection that Muslims consider authentic,” Spencer wrote.


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