Saturday, February 3, 2018

Are The Memo And The Mueller Investigation The Same?

Gowdy: Nunes memo does not ‘in any way’ discredit Mueller investigation

Gowdy: Nunes memo does not ‘in any way’ discredit Mueller investigation
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) controverted many of the talking points from some Republicans when he tweeted that Special Counsel Mueller's investigation was not undermined by the FISA memo released Friday. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot composite)
In a series of tweets from his official social media account Friday, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) explained why the release of the controversial FISA memo didn’t impugn the integrity of the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Here’s what he said:
“It is important for the American public to know if the dossier was paid for by another candidate,” he tweeted, “used in court pleadings, vetted before it was used, vetted after it was used, and whether all relevant facts were shared with the tribunal approving of the FISA application.”
“While this memo raises serious concerns with the FISA process,” he added, “I have been and remain confident in the overwhelming majority of the men and women serving at the FBI and DOJ.”
“As I have said repeatedly, I also remain 100 percent confident in Special Counsel Robert Mueller,” he added.
“The contents of this memo do not – in any way – discredit his investigation,” Gowdy concluded.
Devastating or a dud?
Others, like Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton disagreed. On Fox News’ “Outnumbered,” Fitton said that the revelations in the memo were “devastating” to the Russian investigation since the justification for the probe was in part based on the dubious “Trump dossier.”
“The whole thing, I think, really, is subject to being called off now by the Justice Department if they’re brave enough, based on these disclosures,” he said.

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