Friday, February 23, 2018

Broward County Sheriff Pro-Democrat Therefore Anti Gun

Stunning Photo Shows Real Reason Broward Sheriff Wants to Take Americans’ Guns

Stunning Photo Shows Real Reason Broward Sheriff Wants to Take Americans’ Guns
A picture is worth a thousand words — and it might be worth a thousand explanations, too.
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has found himself in the national spotlight after the tragic school shooting that occurred in his corner of Florida, and the chief law enforcement officer has been looking a bit like a politician while appearing on television to push liberal talking points about gun control.
Too much like a politician, a skeptic might say. After some pundits noticed that a sheriff who should be primarily concerned with enforcing the law has been sounding like he’s reading from the Democrat party phrase book, several photos emerged that may shed some light on Israel’s political leanings.
A photo posted on the sheriff’s official Facebook page from 2015 show Israel warmly interacting with then-candidate Hillary Clinton, a strong liberal and gun control proponent.
“So nice to see you again, Sheriff,” says a quote on the photo attributed to Clinton, implying that Israel and the Democrat candidate were already friends.

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Now, it isn’t that damning for a local sheriff to take a photo with a visiting candidate. However, a series of similar photos soon emerged that show Israel going out of his way to mingle with pro-gun control, Democrat figures — and there don’t appear to be any equivalent images of the sheriff with conservatives.
“Have you noticed how the Broward Sheriff’s Office has been spewing Democrat gun control talking points?” conservative firebrand Laura Loomer posted on Twitter. “Well, turns out the Sheriff has some interesting friends.”
The investigative journalist included four photos, which show Sheriff Israel proudly posing with Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

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A general search for similar photos of Sheriff Israel with conservative or pro-gun candidates revealed no immediate results.
Similarly, a post on the “LEO Affairs” forum for law enforcement professionals suggested that Israel had actually endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2016.
“At the Broward Democratic Executive Committee meeting today Sheriff Israel announced he is endorsing Hillary Clinton,” the poster claimed in January of that year.
Hillary’s own campaign confirmed that Sheriff Israel was on her team. In a press release obtained by Politico, the campaign named Israel as a member of the candidate’s volunteer group in Florida.
“Hillary for America announced the launch of its ‘Florida Leadership Council’– a group of over 150 elected officials, community, coalition and grassroots leaders who will help build a grassroots-driven volunteer team that will help Hillary to win the Florida Primary,” the press released declared.
“Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel” was on the pro-Hillary volunteer list.
Let’s be clear: There isn’t anything inherently wrong with a sheriff supporting one political party over the other, as long as he is able to objectively perform his job and not allow his political views to bias his duties.
With that said, the photos and other evidence suggests that Israel has probably had political ambitions within the Democrat party for years, and had an existing slant against citizen gun ownership long before the tragic incident in Parkland.
The media and leftist narrative is that this law enforcement officer was so shocked by the school shooting that he has seen the light, and now wants “common sense gun control.”
In reality, Israel has been on the anti-gun liberal bandwagon for years, and is using the tragedy to further political talking points borrowed from the Democrats.
“Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” as fellow leftist Rahm Emanuel once said. Sheriff Israel and the rest of the Second Amendment opponents are taking that to heart — and as a result, the rights of the American people are now at stake.
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