Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Feels Like A "White-Wash" Job To Us

Planned Parenthood’s ‘racist roots’ to be addressed by…a Planned Parenthood college group

Planned Parenthood’s ‘racist roots’ to be addressed by…a Planned Parenthood college group
A Planned Parenthood student group at the University of Florida is sponsoring a panel discussion Wednesday on Planned Parenthood's "racist roots." (Image source: YouTube screenshot)

A University of Florida student group is hosting a panel discussion Wednesday on Planned Parenthood’s “racist roots.
Some may wonder how such an event got the green light on a college campus — particularly when numerous conservative speakers sponsored by conservative student groups have faced so much opposition of late.
Well, this particular event actually is sponsored by Planned Parenthood Generation Action UF, which describes itself as a “social justice group that organizes events at UF to raise awareness about and mobilize members for reproductive rights while working with our local Planned Parenthood!”
Image source: Facebook
Image source: Facebook
Marking the end of Black History Month, the UF Planned Parenthood group also is joining forces with the UF Black Student Union to discuss “the racist roots of the birth control movement, specifically pertaining to the influence of eugenics.”
The event’s Facebook page adds that “Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, is a controversial figure in this conversation because despite her devotion to reproductive rights, she also had beliefs, practices, and associations with eugenics that we acknowledge and denounce, and work to rectify today.”
Also slated as part of the discussion is “sterilization abuse, which disproportionately impacts communities of color and should be given proper attention.”

How did a pro-life group react to the news of the panel discussion?

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, said in a prepared statement Monday that “admitting you have a problem is the first step,” the College Fix reported.
“However, acknowledging the racist roots of your organization is meaningless unless you also acknowledge that the racist practices of Planned Parenthood continue to this day, since Planned Parenthood continues to target black and Hispanic babies for abortion by the placement of their abortion vendor locations in minority neighborhoods, and unless you address the disparity of abortion, which takes proportionally, so many more lives of infants of color,” Hawkins added, the outlet said.

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