Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Inheritantly "Dangerous" Killing Machine Stops An Attack

Man With An AR-15 Stopped A Stabbing Attack

Hannah Bleau
good guy armed with an AR-15 stopped a stabbing attack. (Weird, right? I thought AR-15s were inherently evil and possessed your soul the minute you touched them.)
It happened Monday at an apartment building on Harbor Drive in Oswego Township.
Police say it all began when someone with a knife attacked another person during an argument.
Neighbor Dave Thomas, who witnessed the attack, went into his home, got his rifle and ordered the suspect to stop.
He didn’t even have to pull the trigger.
“I poked my head out the door. There was a pool of blood, blood was everywhere in the hall,” Dave Thomas said. “There was still a confrontation going on, there were about three or four people involved at this point. So I ran back into my house and grabbed my AR-15. I grabbed the AR-15 over my handgun — bigger gun, I think a little more of an intimidation factor. Definitely played a part in him actually stopping.”
Authorities eventually caught the suspect, and the victim was rushed to the hospital.
Thomas went on to explain why the AR-15 is his “weapon of choice.”
“The AR-15 is my weapon of choice for home protection,” Thomas said. “It’s light, it’s maneuverable. If you train and know how to use it properly, it’s not dangerous. And this is just a perfect example of good guy with an AR-15 stopped a bad guy with a knife. And there were no lives taken, so all in all it was a good day.”
“Why don’t we hear more stories like this?” I see that question a lot. I’ll tell you why– because news gravitates toward negativity. If nothing completely tragic or horrific happened, it’s automatically not as newsworthy.
The truth is, there are so many similar stories of good guys with guns saving the day, but we don’t hear about them because ultimately, they prevented bad things from happening. And if bad things didn’t happen, why is there need for a report? (I’m just telling you how they think). Besides, members of MSM aren’t interested in making gun-owning Americans look good.
This is just one example, and I’m glad I caught it. This kind of stuff happens all the time. Good guys with guns vastly outnumber the bad.
h/t WGN9

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