Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Is It Time For Sheriff Scott Israel To Resign?

BUSTED! Fox News star drops BOMBSHELL on Florida sheriff

Fox News star Laura Ingraham dropped a bombshell on Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who oversaw the failed response to last week’s school massacre, on her show Monday.
At Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, 17 innocent people were killed by a crazed gunman while at least four armed officers under Israel allegedly coward outside.

Israel and most of the mainstream media have laid the blame of the massacre squarely at the feet of the National Rifle Association. Unfazed, Israel has even called his leadership “amazing” during a series of interviews.
Not everyone is convinced. “It’s hard to imagine a more comprehensive and catastrophic failure from beginning to end than that of the sheriff’s office in the Parkland massacre. It ignored warnings that were specific and chilling about the shooter” and failed to respond decisively once the killing started, The New York Post wrote.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Israel has a “distinguished record of exceptional ineptitude and arrogance.”
And Ingraham’s bombshell may be the worst example of this “arrogance” yet, critics say. According to Ingraham, rather than face the consequences of his “ineptitude,” Israel has ordered his employees to rally around him and defend him against critics.

“Ingraham said the emails continue a pattern of defensive public relations by the department at Israel’s lead. She said that, apart from the sheriff’s repeated statements defending himself and criticizing the National Rifle Association, the Democrat’s past actions also garnered media attention,” Fox News reported.
In the purported internal email obtained by Ingaraham, Israel’s staff wrote that their political boss “find[s himself] up against a flurry of media allegations” and ordered staff to “stand” by him.
“He stood with us, and now we must stand with him,” the secret internal email reads.

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