Thursday, February 1, 2018

Lets Hope The Democrats Keep This Up!

YOU’RE FIRED! Clinton pal fired from top DNC post

by Frank Holmes, reporter
In last night’s response to the State of the Union Address, Rep. Joe Kennedy praised “Me Too” activists for exposing harassment in the workplace. But it came one day after the party dumped a woman who blew the whistle on sexual harassment involving Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Democratic National Committee CEO Jess O’Connell announced Monday she’s leaving her post at the party – and the announcement is really, really fishy.
O’Connell came to the scandal-ridden DNC last May, shortly after former chairwoman Donna Brazile exposed the fact that the 2016 primaries were rigged in Hillary Clinton’s favor.

She checked all the liberal, feminist boxes. She was executive director of the pro-abortion EMILY’s List, and she had worked at the Center for American Progress, a Soros-funded think tank founded by Clinton crony John Podesta.
Everyone, including current DNC Chair Tom Perez admits O’Connell did a lot to repair the party’s tainted image. She also helped Democrats win races in Virginia, New Jersey, and Alabama.
And O’Connell had just given an interview to The Advocate last week, describing what it’s like to be the first open lesbian to hold such a high Democratic Party position.
That proves she didn’t plan to quit. She was fired. But why?

O’Connell unmasked the way Hillary tried to sweep sexual harassment allegations under the rug – and punished one of the women involved.
The New York Times reported that a young woman who worked on her campaign accused Hillary’s faith advisor, Burns Strider, of repeated acts of sexual harassment during the 2008 presidential campaign.
The 30-year-old woman said Strider rubbed her shoulders, kissed her forehead, and sent her a torrent of sexually suggestive e-mails at all hours of the day and night.
The victim took her story to O’Connell, who was then national director of operations for Hillary’s presidential campaign.

O’Connell and the campaign manager, Patty Solis Doyle, told Hillary to fire the bum.
Instead, Hillary moved the victim, docked Strider’s pay and ordered him to go to therapy sessions – which he never attended.
A few months later, Hillary fired Doyle.
Now that O’Connell has revealed the corrupt inner workings of the Clinton campaign to the national media, she’s mysteriously out of a job, too.

The Advocate asked if Hillary’s campaign allegations had anything to do with O’Connell’s job loss, and “the DNC offered no comment.”
But their message is coming through loud and clear: Use all the hashtags and wear all the white roses you like, but don’t ever expose Democratic wrongdoing to the media, or your career will swim with the fishes.
O’Connell’s being shown the door just as all the signs show the Democratic Party is falling apart.
She’s leaving a key position empty shortly after the DNC fired its finance director, top fundraiser, Emily Mellencamp Smith, for having a bad year.

And last October, party activists, especially supporters of Bernie Sanders, were incensed when Tom Perez kicked several Democratic veterans off the national committee – and stacked it with Hillary loyalists.
The DNC is a sinking ship. And anyone who rips the lid off its wrongdoing, like O’Connell, will have to walk the plank.
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”

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