Tuesday, February 27, 2018

More News And Less Understanding Of What Occured In Florida School Shooting

Broward Sheriff responds to stunning report that EMT was told to wait outside shooting

Broward Sheriff responds to stunning report that EMT was told to wait outside shooting
The Broward County Sheriff's office issued a statement on the report that EMS weren't allowed to enter into the Parkland High School when they arrived in response to the school shooting that took 17 lives. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)
Fox News says numerous sources have confirmed to them that EMT services asked for permission to attend to victims in the Parkland school shooting but were denied by law enforcement.
Here’s the report from Fox News:

One Florida official told Fox News that it was specifically the embattled Broward County Sheriff’s office that told the Emergency Medical Service they could not enter the school.
“What’s going to come out is, in the communications on several circumstances, there was the request to enter,” the official said, “the request was denied from Broward County.”
“When you have a police agency saying we don’t want you going in, that’s a problem,” said a different Florida official. “The training since Columbine has been [that] first responders, police go in immediately with paramedics.”
Broward County responds
“There are multiple investigations being conducted in addition to the Stoneman Douglas shooting,” the Broward County Sheriff’s office said in a statement. “Investigators will not be rushed or asked to jump to conclusions.”
“Their investigations are thorough and methodical as they take and compare witness statements, review dozens of incident reports, transcribe and analysis numerous radio transmissions, listen to more than 80 911 calls,” they added.
“Decisions cannot be made in a vacuum,” said Mike Moser, the Fire Administration Division Chief of the Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department. “All of the variables must be taken into consideration before a rescue task force can be enabled.”
“It is possible that those that are upset about not being allowed inside,” he added, “simply do not have all the information that our law enforcement partners had in making their decision.”
Beleaguered Broward
Broward County Sheriff Israel has been under intense critique for the actionsundertaken during the Florida shooting. Critics also point to numerous missed warning signs to Broward police that could have led to the shooting being prevented.

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