Saturday, February 3, 2018

NFL And NBC Are Backing The Wrong Horses

First They Attacked Veterans. Now, the NFL Defends Kim Jong-Un.

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First They Attacked Veterans. Now, the NFL Defends Kim Jong-Un.
By CB1000 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

First the NFL rejected a print ad from a veterans group asking Super Bowl
attendees to stand for the national anthem. Now, the league and NBC, the
network broadcasting the game Sunday, have rejected a TV ad from
AML BitCoin for being “too political,” according to the company.

The ad mocks North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, with an actor portraying
 the despot as angry his hackers can’t steal their crypto-currency.

“We have been informed by our media buyers that the network carrying the
 NFL’s Super Bowl game, NBC, will not accept our television ad ‘North Korea
 Can’t Steal AML BitCoin’ for placement during the broadcast.” AML Bitcoin
president Marcus Andrade wrote in a letter to NFL commissioner
Roger Goodell, of which The Daily Caller obtained a copy.

“An ad taking Kim Jong-un, dictator of North Korea, to task in a humorous
and biting way should not be offensive to anyone,” the letter continues. “Our
 ad reminds viewers that Kim Jong-un and his army of hackers have been
stealing billions of dollars of Bitcoin and other digital currencies for the past
few years, funding their rogue nuclear weapons programs and thwarting
efforts by the rest of the world to sanction this behavior. And our ad points
out that, unlike the other digital currencies, the AML BitCoin has been
designed with features that prevent his army from stealing it.”


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