Saturday, February 24, 2018

When You Are A Police Officer, You Run TOWARD The Problem

Armed Teacher Blasts Cowardly Deputies Who Refused to Stop Shooting

One teacher who has been trained as a reserve deputy to carry on campus was shocked that deputies stood idle outside of the Florida school shooting and pointed out the benefits of having armed teachers on the inside.
A reserve county deputy and high school teacher in Arkansas who also serves as an assistant Sheriff’s Reserve Officer spoke to the Western Journal about carrying at his school on the request of anonymity so that he wouldn’t have a target put on his back.
“We currently have one officer assigned to our town, but it’s only a 10-hour shift and is only 2 hours of the school day,” he explained, adding that the response time range from the county to their school would be 15 to 30 minutes at best.
“So it’s crucial we have people on campus that are trained and prepared for an active shooter.”
At the high school where he works, there are three people including himself who carry a weapon on campus. One is a full-time deputy that serves as a Sheriff’s Reserve Officer and the other is another armed deputy teacher.

The Western Journal Daily Email

President Donald Trump said that having armed teachers on campus could help defend students in a speech Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
The president said that after listening to the families of victims in last week’s school shooting in Parkland, Florida and law enforcement officials earlier this week, he believes one necessary response is arming gun-adept teachers and school officials with concealed carry weapons.
The Arkansas high school teacher told The Western Journal that he agrees with him.
“Having other teachers trained and concealed carry would be tremendously useful in a crisis. The teachers would need to be selected and put through evaluations much like an officer and trained in active shooter response.”

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Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson and three other Sheriff’s deputies have been reported to have been outside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School without confronting the shooter.
Coral Springs unnamed sources told CNN that the deputies had their pistols drawn, but were behind their vehicles outside the school when Coral Springs police officers arrived.
When Coral Springs officers arrived on site, they entered the building and were later joined by new Broward County Sheriff’s deputies.
According to CNN, Coral Springs police were “stunned and upset” that the original deputies on scene did not join them inside the school.
RELATED: Mistaken for Gun, Math Symbol Has Students Calling Police
The Arkansas armed teacher responded to these reports with disbelief.
“I can not believe or understand how a law enforcement officer could stand by idly while kids are being gunned down,” he told The Western Journal. “How could he say he believed he was doing right? He should be held accountable for his lack of action. Every Law Enforcement Officer in this nation knows that after Columbine you are trained to go to the threat and eliminate it.”
He continued, “I have been trained as an instructor in ALICE which is active shooter response training program and I help instruct our teachers on what to do in case of an emergency. In this training and other law enforcement training, you are taught to address the immediate threat head-on. You do not wait, you do not secure the perimeter, you do not stop to help others. You go to the gunfire.”
What do you think? 

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