Thursday, February 1, 2018

Wolff Starting To Get The Treatment He Deserves

MSNBC host KICKS “Fire and Fury” author off set [video]

by Kylie Handler, editor
“Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff and President Donald Trump have something in common: They both hate “Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski.
On Thursday, Wolff appeared on MSNBC to discuss his suggestion that U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley had an affair with Trump.
Wolff accused Haley’s rejection of the rumor as somehow being an admittance to the tale — and that led to Brzezinski throwing the disgraced author off set for undermining a powerful woman.

“I didn’t go after her,” Wolff said, “but what I found puzzling was that she would deny something she wasn’t accused of.”
Watch the incredibly awkward exchange here —
“Do you regret inferring anything about Nikki Haley?” asked Brzezinski.

Wolff responded, “Many of the people around the president believe she is still involved with President Trump…That was about her meaning to become the Secretary of State.”
The MSNBC host may be publicly anti-Trump, but as a woman she was not going to allow such an ignorant man damage such a powerful woman’s reputation. “You’re slurring a woman. It’s disgraceful.”
“She’s been accused of nothing…Certainly I didn’t accuse her of anything,” said Wolff.
This is untrue. This insane man is the only person that started the rumor that Haley was having an affair, the rumor was not circulating until he threw it out there.
Brzezinski was over the interview by that point. Things quickly took a turn for the worst and Wolff was told to leave. “This is awkward,” Brzezinski said back, “you’re on the set with us. I’m sorry, but you’re done.”

Moments after being kicked off the show, Wolff shot back at Brzezinski like a coward on Twitter.
And just like that, another liberal has fallen from the comfort of protection from his fellow snowflakes.
–Kylie Handler is a news editor for The Horn News

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