Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A Message All Americans Should Read

Italian Woman Enters Gun Debate, Slays Liberals in Less Than 10 Seconds

Generally speaking, conservative Americans don’t particularly care to hear Europeans weigh in with their opinions on our Second Amendment and gun laws, but an Italian woman recently stated something so simple yet profound that it simply must be shared.
“Americans, I’m watching the #GunControl protests from Italy,” tweeted a user by the name of Redeemed Goddaughter.
“Take a European’s advice: Last century our governments disarmed us. Now, in Germany & the UK they arrest you for Twitter & FB posts. Lesson?
“If the gov’t takes your 2nd Amendment, one day it’ll take your 1st,” she concluded.

Conservative Tribune Daily Email

Indeed, our Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms — and the underlying threat to would-be tyrants that those arms could be used in force if necessary — serves to protect all of our other constitutionally protected natural rights, such as the First Amendment-protected right to free speech.
It is a simple fact that the substantial portion of the citizenry in America who are armed with modern weapons is really all that stands in the way of a tyrannical government from wanton infringement of our rights.
As the woman noted, much of Europe has implemented strict gun control measures over the years that have left the population largely disarmed and incapable of effectively standing up in defense of their rights.
Thus, the citizens of many European countries have been all but silenced, forced to submit to various speech laws and other injustices, as a disarmed populace is largely viewed more as subjects instead of sovereign citizens in the eyes of all-powerful governments.

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Unfortunately, there are plenty of would-be tyrants right here in America who would love nothing better than to silence those who dissent from their grand progressive plans.
However, they know that an armed populace could rise up in opposition to their agenda if pushed too far, hence the left’s unending effort at imposing strict gun control laws that would prohibit the possession of the firearms that stand in the way of their tyranny.
History is replete with plenty of examples — from Europe to Asia and Africa and South America — of the fatal results of a disarmed populace crushed beneath the oppressive weight of a tyrannical authoritarian government.
It must be made abundantly clear to the gun grabbers here in America that while we have no desire whatsoever to engage in a brutal and bloody second civil war, we are nevertheless as determined as ever to maintain a death grip on the means to defend our rights and ward off potential tyranny.
RELATED: Trump Refuses to Surrender, Says 2nd Amendment Will ‘Never Be Repealed’
The leftists don’t want to hear that at all, but we have grown tired of their incessant demands that we be disarmed and have no intention of being silenced or leaving ourselves defenseless to their authoritarian whims.
This Twitter user from Italy hit the nail on the head in her view of the gun control debate, in that if we somehow lose the protections offered by the Second Amendment, there will be nothing left with which to defend any of the other rights we hold so dear.
That can’t be allowed to happen.

What do you think? 

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