Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Americans Aren't Interested In Russia Meddling. It's The Economy Stupid!

Dem Details Truth About Russia Probe That Left Liberals Shocked

  • Source: TTN
  • by: Donny Bomenabori
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They may not say it outright, but Democrats know full well that the Russia investigation is a joke. The problem is that they think it's funny, but America isn't laughing. 
Congressman Jim Himes, D-Conn., was on MSNBC's Morning Joe, where he let it slip: “…Here’s the thing. My good friend [Rep.] Cheri Bustos who represents a very tough district in Illinois, we have sort of a running joke going in the mornings, which is, she’s got a district very different from mine and I represent Fairfield County, Connecticut. She’s in the heartland in a distinct that we need to figure out how to win again. Every Monday morning when I see Cheri and we come up there’s a little bit of laughter and she says, ‘you know what?' My constituents are still not asking me about Russia."
The Connecticut Democrat tacitly acknowledged that this issue wasn't on the minds of voters. He added that if Democrats didn't focus on "kitchen table issues" and the anxieties of American families, then they will "pay a cost at the polls." 
The hosts at MSNBC and Democrats in the swamp know full well that this investigation is a joke. It is one that's being played on the American voters that sent President Trump to drain the swamp, because they need Mueller's joke to do what Hillary Clinton could not do, and that is stop Trump. 
 Source: TTN


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