Thursday, March 15, 2018

Another Effect Of Illegal Immigration

Tucker Carlson blames immigration for a decline in fertility among American males

Tucker Carlson blames immigration for a decline in fertility among American males
Fox News' Tucker Carlson explained how immigration led to a crisis in rural America, including low fertility and broken families. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)
Tucker Carlson explained on Fox News what the “male wage crisis” was and why Washington D.C. and corporate America are ignoring the cycle of disaster that is hitting rural America and causing family disruption and infertility.

Here’s what he said
Carlson explained that many of men who are unemployed aren’t counted in official unemployment and are ignored by both political parties. He explained that technological advances and immigration are costing men their jobs and causing infertility and other social ills.
“Now part of the reason for that is mass immigration,” he said. “More than a million new immigrants enter this country legally. A large but unknown number come illegally.”
“These new rivals compete primarily with the very Americans most likely to have lost their jobs,” Carlson explained, “and the effect is lower wages. It’s a matter of supply and demand – an overabundance of anything makes it cheaper and that goes for labor.”
“Meanwhile, millions of American men now make less than their fathers do,” he added further on. “That’s a tragedy, it’s a betrayal of the American dream.”
“But it’s also a recipe for societal collapse,” he continued. “When men’s wages decline, families fall apart.”
Carlson cited studies that showed falling male wages reduced “the attractiveness of men as potential spouses, thus reducing fertility and especially marriage rates.”
“Researchers also noted a dramatic increase in out-of-wedlock births when men made less,” he explained.
“Low male wages are a driving force in family dissolution,” Carlson continued, “and that’s why affluent neighborhoods in whic men make more have a higher proportion of married couples, and fewer divorces. The opposite is also true. And that leads to a cascade of social problems, which over time, become a disaster.”
“Men who make lower wages marry less,” he added, “and father more children out of wedlock. These children growing up without fathers, tend to make lower wages themselves in later life.”

Here’s Carlson’s commentary on the hidden male wage crisis:

Carlson pointed out that the same male wage crisis was seen in inner city regions, but it was now spreading to rural America. “The cause isn’t culture, that’s what we thought, no, in both cases, the cause is the same: a lack of well paying jobs for men.”
Carlson concluded saying that Washington D.C. and corporate American aren’t solving the male wage crisis, but exacerbating it. He cites self-driving cars and drone delivery of packages as examples of new technology that will displace more male workers.

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