Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Birds Of A Feather!!

Obama’s plot for revenge ends in 32 months

by Frank Holmes, reporter
The 2020 presidential election seems like it’s an eternity away – but President Barack Obama has already settled on putting one of his puppets into office.
Actually, he has been grooming this man for several years, personally prepping him on how to defeat President Donald Trump and continue foisting a far-left agenda on the American people.
The 44th president has chosen former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to run in the 2020 election.

Patrick is a northeastern liberal, the state’s first African-American governor, and a close personal friend to the Obama family.
He recently announced that he is thinking long and hard about throwing his hat into the ring.
“It’s on my radar screen,” Patrick told KCUR-FM on February 28. “But it’s a huge decision.”
Obama sent his brain trust to prod Patrick off-the-fence and into the presidency.

David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, told Patrick that he can follow Obama’s road to victory by winning Iowa, going into neighboring New Hampshire with a huge advantage, and then capitalizing on his popularity with South Carolina’s black voters.
Obama’s closest advisor, Valerie Jarrett, said Patrick would make the perfect candidate – when she spoke to an exclusive meeting of investment bankers.
“My heart desires” to see Patrick become president in 2020, she oozed.
But over the years, no one has been more supportive than Obama.

“Deval and I do trade ideas all of the time,” he said in 2008. Six years later, as Patrick left the governor’s mansion, Obama said Patrick would make “a great president.”
Patrick is almost anonymous outside the Bay State, where he was governor from 2007 to 2015 and that’s lucky for him, because his years in office were a complete disaster.
Like Obama, Patrick graduated from Harvard Law School. He promoted Affirmative Action as an attorney for the liberal NAACP, and then worked in the Clinton Justice Department.

Patrick even had a hand in causing the Great Recession as the director of a company that handed out $80 billion in subprime mortgage loans.
When the subprime bubble burst, the economy tanked – but Patrick had already moved on to a higher office.
Fox News reported that from his first days as governor in liberal Massachusetts he wasted the people’s money on an extravagant lifestyle: He bought himself a brand new Cadillac Escalade and $10,000 drapes at taxpayers’ expense.
Patrick was so financially irresponsible that he raised the state’s sales tax by 25% – and still left the next governor a $768 million deficit.

Finances are not the only issue that Patrick cannot get a handle on.
When illegal immigrants flooded America’s southern border, The Washing Post reports that Patrick said anyone who refused to roll out the red carpet for ‘Dreamers’ wanted kids to die like the children in the Holocaust.
He even offered to care for 1,000 illegal alien minors in his state – which is pretty ironic, since American children died under his state’s care.
CNN reported three young children – including a 16-day-old baby girl – died under the noses of his Department of Children and Families.

The Boston Glode reported that the same department ordered 14-year-old Justina Pelletier be locked up in a psych ward for a year. The state barred her parents from seeing her during that year because the hospital misdiagnosed her, and blamed the parents for causing it.
Obama’s buddy thinks your children belong to the state, and the White House belongs to him.
Obama’s insiders want him to put him back on Pennsylvania Avenue.
But, will he do it?
“It’s a huge consideration, particularly when I think, I’m still a kid from the south side of Chicago,” Patrick said.

Politico reports Obama has encouraged a few other candidates to run in 2020, just in case.
No others names were identified, but Obama obviously wants to back several horses in the hopes that one of them comes in first.
Apologizing for America, cozying up to Islamic terrorists, hiking taxes and digging the country deeper into debt – they’re all coming back under any one of Obama’s handpicked candidates.
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”

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