Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Cancer, Cars, Diabetes And Heart Attacks More Deadly Than Guns. Why No School Assemblies About These Killers?

The 4 Things Deadlier Than Guns

  • 03/14/2018 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
28 21 3  80
The 4 Things Deadlier Than Guns
By KAZ Vorpal (Flickr: Declaration of Independence, with Firearm) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Liberal teachers are indoctrinating gullible young students against guns.
 Suddenly, kids from a country that, according to Pew, ranks 38th out of 71 
countries in the world on math are lecturing us with gun violence statistics.
Ironically, kids that have been failed in their math classes by hack teachers
are lecturing us with an invalid interpretation of evidence. Will they protest
their teachers? They should. They were taught how to test, not how to think.

Rather than holding out hope that anti-gun students will see the light, we're
going to show you a few things that are obviously more lethal than gun
ownership. Feel free to use this page to slap down bad arguments about guns.


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