Saturday, March 3, 2018

Conservatives Have NO Problem Criticizing The President When There Is Real Cause

Tucker Carlson says Obama would have been impeached if he said what Trump said

Tucker Carlson says Obama would have been impeached if he said what Trump said
Fox News' Tucker Carlson criticized the president for his comments on gun control, which he said were a betrayal of his campaign promises. (Image source: YouTube screenshot)

Tucker Carlson on Fox News called out President Trump for his comments on gun rights and due process, saying that if former President Barack Obama had said such things they’d be talking impeachment.
Here’s what Carlson said Friday
“The president’s core supporters put up with a lot from day to day,” Carlson began, “we don’t need to be specific about that you know exactly what we’re talking about, starting with the tweets. We won’t go on. But the shortcomings of this administration are clear – they’re usually worth it though.”
“But there’s a limit to the tolerance,” he explained, “[the voters] will not tolerate and they shouldn’t have to tolerate by the way, betrayal on the core promises of his campaign.”
“And it seems to be happening on guns unfortunately,” he added disapprovingly.
“A few days ago the president called for raising the minimum age for buying a gun to 21,” he continued, “by the way that’s four years after we let people join the military – they can join at seventeen. But he’s saying you can’t buy until 21.”
Carlson criticized Trump using “sneaky propaganda” to advocate for more gun control, and then repeated the president’s statement that the government should “take the guns first go through due process second.”
“Now, I mean how honest do you wanna be?” Carlson continued. “Imagine if Barack Obama had said that? Just ignore due process and start confiscating guns! Well Obama would have been denounced as a dictator – we would have denounced him first, trust me.”
“Congress would be talking impeachment right now, somebody would be muttering about secession!” he added.
“Well the media agreed with what the president said yesterday so they’ve underplayed it,” he said. “If voters wanted that kind of government, they could have voted Democrat.
“And actually they still have a chance to vote Democrat in the midterms,” he concluded. “which he should keep in mind.”
Here’s video of Carlson’s scathing critique of Trump on guns

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