Sunday, March 18, 2018

Does The Deep State Exist? McCabe Case May Prove It

Stunner: Ex-Obama Ambassador Openly Threatens President Trump

Obama liberals: Politics in Washington under the Trump administration has gotten ugly. President Donald Trump uses threats and intimidation. He thinks this is all a street fight. He’s a divider, not a uniter. We need unity, like the Obama administration delivered.
Also Obama liberals: Let’s openly threaten President Trump.
Yes, in today’s episode of Mystery Hypocrisy Theater 3000, former Obama-era United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power seemed to threaten the president after the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, saying in a tweet that it wasn’t “a good idea to p*** off” the former director of the CIA.
Here’s the sequence of events for those of you who’ve had better things to do than watch the drama in Washington this weekend: McCabe was fired just short of retirement after a report from the Department of Justice’s inspector general cited him for improper relations with the media and a lack of candor during the investigation into how the Hillary Clinton email investigation was handled, including statements made under oath.
Trump, of course, decided to go to Twitter to laud the decision.

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Now, while nobody on the left actually seemed willing to defend McCabe against any of the alleged reasons he was fired for — a rather telling statement in and of itself — they all went off their trolley about the fact the DOJ had dared to fire him.
What’s more, all of them seemed to connect the firing to Trump himself — even though McCabe’s termination was recommended by what that reactionary rag The New York Times described as “veteran disciplinary officials” wholly unconnected with Trump himself.
Of the assorted flip-outs, none seemed over-the-top than that of former CIA Director John Brennan.

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“When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America,” Brennan tweeted.
“America will triumph over you.”
Really doing a good job of making the case that the intelligence community under Obama was totally unbiased, Mr. Brennan.
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But that wasn’t all. Former U.N. Secretary Power chimed in next, responding in what definitely sounded like a thinly veiled threat.
Now, let me state here that I’m personally not a fan of the term “deep state.” I think it’s used too often in tones too conspiratorial to describe a concept too vague.
However, when someone at the FBI who is accused of mishandling the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton under the Obama administration is fired and the former CIA director goes off on the president, saying that “America will triumph over you” when “the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known,” and then the former U.N. ambassador under Obama responds with a tweet that sounds a lot like “Nice presidency you won there, shame if someone were to try to wreck it,” what are Americans supposed to think?
How are we supposed to look at this and not think that there’s a pretty good chance that, under the Obama administration, America’s intelligence was weaponized against the Republican Party in general and Donald Trump in particular?
How are we not supposed to think, in other words, that there might be something to this whole “deep state” concept?
The revelations about the Hillary investigation and the FISA memo were bad enough. These tweets don’t make things look any better. Yes, one can think that the president taking a victory lap over McCabe’s firing was a bit much, although I personally got a good laugh over it. Using that as a springboard to openly threaten the president using the kind of vagaries a Hollywood B-movie blackmailer would doesn’t make one look much better.
And yet, these statements come from the same coterie of former administration functionaries imploring us to trust them. These are the same officials who have sworn up and down to us that we can trust the Obama-era FBI and the CIA, that there was no politicizing of the process, whether it be with the email investigation or the FISA warrants obtained with the rancid Trump dossier.
If that’s what they collectively want us to believe, someone ought to tell Brennan and Power they’re not exactly doing the most stellar job of it.
What are your thoughts on Andrew McCabe's firing? 

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