Sunday, March 25, 2018

Isn't This Against The Law?

Transgender Proudly Admits to Drugging Attendees at Conservative Conference

A transgender woman claimed to be drugging attendees of a conservative conference in Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday morning.
The biological male and an alleged Starbucks employee — identified on Twitter as “Lauren” — claimed to be slipping estrogen pills into the drinks of unsuspecting customers at the conference.
“I love my job at the phoenix convention center starbucks and i love slipping my spare estradiol pills in the coffee of anyone wearing a #WesternConservativeConference lanyard,” Lauren tweeted.
Estradiol is an estrogen steroid hormone and the major female sex hormone.

The Western Journal Daily Email

The Western Conservative Conference, held in the Phoenix Convention Center, is described on its website as “the premier gathering of conservatives in the Western United States.”
“This year we are planning important panels on the Media Bias, Immigration, Repeal & Replace the Obama Care Nightmare, Tax Reform, the assault on law enforcement by the Obama Administration (Sheriff Joe Arpaio) and Training Grassroots & Media warriors for liberty, Threats to our Religious Freedom and 1st Amendment, Protecting our 2nd Amendment, and many other important topics,” the site reads.
Speakers at the conference include Hermain Cain, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and others.
The harassing tweet received immediate backlash on Twitter.
RELATED: Transgender Stars in Ridiculous Commercial About Menstrual Cycle

Do you think he should be arrested for this?

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Lauren appeared to be unphased by the response, retweeting many of the comments that condemned his actions.
Lauren’s initial tweet has since been deleted.
According to Western Journal sources, the convention center’s head of security is investigating the incident.
What do you think?

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