Monday, March 19, 2018

It Appears As If Either McCabe Or Comey Lied To Congress. Where Is The Investigatiion?

Maria Bartiromo Interviews Alan Dershowitz About Andrew McCabe Firing and FBI Corruption…

Harvard Law Professor Emeritus, Alan Dershowitz, appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the DOJ firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. It’s a wide-ranging interview hitting on multiple angles of the ongoing issues at the top of the FBI and Dept of Justice.
One of the common misunderstandings as highlighted within the interview is the 1.2 million investigative documents held by the Office of Inspector General, Michael Horowitz.
First, a massive amount of the ‘pages’ are likely transcripts from the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page text messages; as well as the likelihood of emails and other communications within the “small group” (co-conspirators) inside the DOJ and FBI.
Second, everyone seems to overlook that much of the evidence collected by IG Horowitz may also be evidence of criminality by those within the “small group”. As such the criminal evidence would NOT be, and SHOULD NOT be, released to congress because the assigned prosecutor would be using it for cases against those outlined in the investigation.
I know it seems frustrating, but there is a normal and methodical investigative process which needs to be followed; and criminal evidence needs to be closely guarded until the targets therein are indicted.

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