Sunday, March 11, 2018

Kathy Griffin Is Losing Her Mind

Kathy Griffin Posts Delusional ‘International Women’s Day’ Photo That Backfires Big Time

Kathy Griffin Posts Delusional ‘International Women’s Day’ Photo That Backfires Big Time
For a liberal “comedian,” Kathy Griffin knows how to make a fool of herself.
The D-list celebrity, whose biggest claim to fame of late was the public humiliation that resulted from a photo where she could be seen holding the mock head of a decapitated President Trump, must have thought she found a new way back into the limelight with a new picture cozying up to failed Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
But it backfired badly.
Griffin posted her picture Thursday to mark International Women’s Day, the United Nations-designated day to mark the contributions of womenkind.

Conservative Tribune Daily Email

It included Griffin herself, of course, and a bug-eyed Clinton beaming like she’d been hitting the chardonnayagain.
Of course it wasn’t easy for Clinton to lose the election — and watch the dreams of a lifetime go up in smoke.
And of course liberals had a hard time accepting the results. But Griffin’s post shows she might not be fully in touch with reality.
Check it out here:
It’s I don’t want to brag, but I just had to post this picture of me with the President of the United States.”
Griffin had to know what kind of responses she was going to get — a post like that is practically begging for abuse.
But the ostensible comedian could have learned a few things about pointed delivery from Twitter users who weighed in.
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“Loser” might be putting it mildly for both.
Clinton was denied the chance to ascend to the Oval Office on her own steam — and continue the disastrous policies of the Barack Obama presidency — but she’s also still just a couple steps ahead of justice when it comes to the tricks she pulled as Obama’s secretary of state.

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There’s still been no accounting for her actions in selling out American uranium stores to Russian interests and no untainted investigation of her use of a private email server to handle sensitive national security secrets. It’s more than possible, in short, that the Democrat party nominated an actual criminal to be the next president of the United States in 2016. (And only the unlikely ascendancy of Donald Trump on the Republican side prevented it from actually happening.)
Griffin, meanwhile, has behaved so abominably since Trump’s victory that a reasonable person might have grounds to question her sanity.
Days after that picture of herself holding the president’s bloody “head” surfaced, Griffin held a tearful news conference where she complained that she’d been “broken” by Trump and his family. (And called Trump a “bully,” according to the New York Daily News.)
If you can be “broken” days after deliberately picking a fight with the most public, powerful figure in the world, you weren’t playing with a full deck in the first place.
But the Twitter responses to Griffin’s latest post were right on target.
That’s tough to argue with.
But this one said it all:
Sixteen months after Trump’s upset victory over Clinton in the election and more than a year after he was inaugurated president, Trump’s critics still can’t accept he’s a president well on the way to making America great again.
Only libs like Kathy Griffin are too delusional to get it.
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What do you think Griffin's post says about liberals and Hillary Clinton? 

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