Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Leftist Want Citizens Not To Be Able To Protect Themselves From Thugs, Robbers And Rapists

Armed Dad Who Saved Family From a Killer Wins Gun Argument With 1 Devastating Question

The progressive left has been on the war path for the past month against firearms, the Second Amendment and all who support them — namely the National Rifle Association and gun owners.
The anti-gun folks have smeared the NRA as a “terrorist organization,” pro-gun politicians as “bought and paid shills” and law-abiding gun owners as being responsible for mass shooting deaths. They’ve even gone so far as to insinuate that the NRA and its members have “blood on their hands” and don’t mind seeing children die in a massacre.
In their obsession with banning AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles — really all semi-automatic weapons — the anti-gun leftists have even seemed to trivialize those lives lost or threatened by handguns, as if their deaths or traumatic experiences don’t matter as much as the far fewer number of victims who have been killed or threatened by so-called “assault weapons.”
That topic was recently broached by Kevin Dixie, a black father and gun owner who shared his account of how he saved his family’s lives with a firearm when they were threatened by an armed criminal.
Armed Dad Who Saved Family From a Killer Wins Gun Argument With 1 Devastating Question

Conservative Tribune Daily Email

Dixie explained how one night, as he was meeting his wife and children, he saw them approached and threatened by an armed individual. As his wife sought to shield the children with her own vulnerable body, Dixie sprang into action to defend them with his own gun.
“My training and my legally owned handgun stopped that individual from killing my family,” Dixie stated, prior to posing a devastating set of questions to the gun grabbers.
“How do you not give me a voice?” he asked. “How do you consider me to be a terrorist?”
Then came the question liberals likely wouldn’t want to answer.

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“Are you telling me you don’t want my 11-year-old son and my 5-year-old daughter to be alive today?” he asked.
And that right there is the heart of the matter. As was evidenced at the anti-gun “March for Our Lives” protests over the weekend, pro-gun voices were excluded and silenced, and armed fathers like Dixie were referred to as terrorists who are no better than murderous criminals.
Dixie continued and paraphrased a common refrain he’s heard from some gun control advocates: “You get no sympathy from me because your family isn’t being murdered with AR-15s.”
“So because (the armed criminal) decided to use a handgun in this particular situation, we get no sympathy from them,” Dixie stated in response. “I can’t help but think that you don’t want me to have a voice and maybe I don’t come from a demographic area you can associate with, so we’re not important.”
RELATED: Gun Control Marchers Prove Their Ignorance After Being Asked 1 Simple Question on Guns
Dixie shared his chilling story and thoughts on gun control and the Second Amendment as a guest on the debut of NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch’s new NRATV program “Relentless.”
He is the proud owner of No Other Choice Firearms Training, a company focused on firearms and self-defense training that also strives to educate and inform the broader community about guns in general and gun safety.
Dixie provides a powerful and important voice that needs to be part of the “national conversation” anti-gun liberals always demand, but never fully engage in.
The truth is, the left’s idea of a “conversation” about guns is for them to yell and scream and call gun owners murderers — or insinuate their lives are less valuable than those killed by specific weapons — until the other side acquiesces to their demands and agrees to submit to infringements of their natural rights.
But law-abiding gun owners have grown tired of being smeared as murderous terrorists who are worth less than others. We surely don’t intend to be lectured to any longer by those who don’t even understand the basic fundamentals of the weapons they want to ban and have zero respect for our constitutionally protected rights.
What do you think?

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