Sunday, March 18, 2018

McCabe's Attorney Fights Back--Is It A Preemptive Move?

Andrew McCabe’s attorney releases scathing statement — here’s what he said about Trump, DOJ

Andrew McCabe’s attorney releases scathing statement — here’s what he said about Trump, DOJ
Michael Bromwich, the former DOJ IG who is representing Andrew McCabe, released a scathing statement following McCabe's firing. (Chris Graythen/Getty Images)
Michael Bromwich, who is representing former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, released a lengthy statement late Friday where he called his client’s termination “deeply disturbing.”
Bromwich was inspector general at the Department of Justice from 1994 to 1999.

What did he say?

“I have never before seen the type of rush to judgment — and rush to summary punishment — that we have witnessed in this case,” Bromwich wrote, before condemning the timing of McCabe’s firing — just two days before his planned retirement.
“This is simply not the way such matters are generally handled in the DOJ or the FBI,” he said. “It is deeply disturbing.”
Bromwich added the process to take down McCabe begins at the top of the government with President Donald Trump, who Bromwich said used his Twitter account for “drive-by attacks” on McCabe.
“These attacks began in the summer of 2017 and accelerated after it was disclosed that Mr. McCabe would be a corroborating witness against the President,” Bromwich wrote, adding the White House continued its “attacks” on McCabe this week when the White House press secretary claimed McCabe has shown “very troubling behavior” and is “by most accounts a bad actor.”
Bromwich explained:
This vile and defamatory statement is fully consistent with the attacks on Mr. McCabe that have come from the White House since last summer. And it was quite clearly designed to put inappropriate pressure on the Attorney General to act accordingly. This intervention by the White House in the DOJ disciplinary process is unprecedented, deeply unfair, and dangerous.
The former IG then went on to argue his team was given short notice and limited information after the Office of the Inspector General issued a preliminary report into its findings. The OIG has been investigating the DOJ’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe and Trump-Russia probe since last January. McCabe was a central figure in both investigations.
“With so much at stake, this process has fallen far short of what Mr. McCabe deserved,” Bromwich wrote.
“This concerted effort to accelerate the process in order to beat the ticking clock of his scheduled retirement violates any sense of decency and basic principles of fairness. It should make all federal government employees, who continue to work in an Administration that insults, debases, and abuses them, shudder in the knowledge that they could be next,” he concluded.

What did Bromwich previously say?

Writing in the Washington Post last January, Bromwich said inspector general Michael Horowitz’s internal investigation into the DOJ and former FBI Director James Comey was “welcome news.”
It’s that investigation that led to McCabe’s termination.

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