Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Open Borders --In Other Words, Chaos!

Federal Court Delivers


Open Borders Crowd

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Federal Court Delivers DEVASTATING BLOW to Open Borders Crowd
By Jonathan McIntosh (Own work) [CC BY 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons
A federal appeals court upheld a majority of Texas law that targets sanctuary
 cities and cracks down on illegal immigration Tuesday afternoon.

A three-judge panel in New Orleans’ 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled
Texas’ current immigration enforcement laws are constitutional. Senate Bill
 4 enacted the law allowing local law enforcement officers to question the
immigration status of people they detain or arrest, The Texas Tribune reported.

The only part of the bill that remains on hold is a provision punishing local
 government leaders and or elected officials who refuse to cooperate with
federal immigration officials, such as the mayor of Oakland, Calif., who
tipped off residents of an immigration raid
(RELATED: Big City Mayor Commits Felony by Warning Illegal Aliens).

SEE ALSO: Deputies Won't Receive Body Armor Because Sheriff 
Refuses ICE's Help

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent out a tweet in support of the
 federal courts ruling, saying “Allegations of discrimination were rejected”
and the “Law is in effect.”

BONUS STORY: ​Sanctuary City Helps Illegal Immigrant Killer Avoid
 Source: The Texas Tribune


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