Sunday, March 11, 2018

Same Story Again! Mentally Challenged Young Man Attacks Gun Free Zone Without Any Security

Liberals Scream for Gun Control After Veterans Home Shooting, Miss One Huge Fact

Friday was yet another tragic day for our nation. According to Fox News, a 36-year-old veteran who had been kicked out of a residential program for vets with PTSD returned to the facility in Yountville, California — the largest veterans facility in the nation — and took three staff members hostage, eventually killing all of them.
In the wake of the attack, President Trump tweeted his condolences. “We are deeply saddened by the tragic situation in Yountville and mourn the loss of three incredible women who cared for our Veterans,” the president posted early Saturday.
Of course, this being our country in 2018 and the official motto of the American left — taken from Rahm Emanuel — being that no good tragedy should go to waste, it didn’t take long for the calls for gun control to start. And they began in earnest on President Trump’s Twitter feed.

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Now, one can often debate the relative merits of gun control in a situation like this. We tend to think it’s counterproductive. Here’s the thing, though — there was plenty of gun control at play when it came to Friday’s shooting. In fact, the place where it occurred — geographically, culturally and legally — is what the Democrats say they want for America.
First, let’s start with California. Going through every single gun control measure passed by the politburo of the Democratic People’s Republic of California and signed by Fearless Leader Jerry Brown would take a book-length treatment that would make Shirer’s “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” look like a doctor’s-office pamphlet on prostate enlargement. Suffice it to say, guns aren’t easy to acquire or carry in California, which is where the shooting happened and where the shooter was from.
Is this the gun control we’re reflexively asking for?
Or, perhaps we should deal with the site of the 8-hour hostage standoff, the Veterans Home of California-Yountville. It may not surprise you that it’s a gun-free zone. It may not also surprise you that none of the VA facilities in California are protected by armed guards. That doesn’t sit well with law enforcement unions.
RELATED: NRA Takes Massive Action Against Florida Hours After Gun Control Law Passes
“A union representing California law enforcement officers wants security personnel at state hospitals and veterans facilities to be armed following Friday’s slayings at a veterans home in Yountville,” Fox News reported Saturday morning.
“The California State Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA), which represents public safety workers, said in a statement that 600 officers protecting campuses across the state do so without a weapon — representing a risk to public safety,” the report continued. “The union called on the California Department of Veterans Affairs to take a proactive approach toward protecting residents, visitors and staff at its facilities.”
“Despite being unarmed, they are tasked with the responsibility of protecting a very large campus of residents, staff, and visitors 24 hours a day, and local law enforcement relies on these public safety officers as the frontline security for the hospital,” a statement from CSLEA read.
Is this the gun control you seek, liberals?
Oh yes, and then there’s the issue of mental health. Albert Wong, the 36-year-old Afghanistan veteran who was allegedly responsible for the standoff, had been dismissed from the program, which treats veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injuries and other related mental illnesses. Without trying to sound snide, I don’t believe Wong’s ejection was the result of his failure to return the Xbox controller to the charging cradle. This is yet another shooter who likely had behavioral red flags that should have precluded him from legally having a gun — and yet, he had a gun in one of the most restrictive states in the nation.
Is this what you want, liberals. Is this what you think is proving your point?
We will find more about what motivated the Yountville shooter in the days and weeks to come. It’s too early, however, to make a reliable prescription — if any can be made — as to how attacks like these can be prevented in the future. And, as for the ghastly gun control fanatics who use any incident involving a gun to push a flawed, fact-free agenda, no matter how little time has passed since the tragedy occurred, may it be known that you deserve every bit opprobrium you get, and then some.
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What are your thoughts regarding calls for increased gun control in the hours after this tragedy?

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