Monday, March 5, 2018

Sickening Democrat Fraud

Pro-gun control Senator goes to prison – for gun trafficking

March 4, 2018
Pro-gun control Senator goes to prison – for gun traffickingImage via SchnepfDesign /
Democrats love telling other people what to do when they do whatever they want.
That was the case of California State Sen. Leland Yee, an anti-gun activist who went to prison for gun trafficking.

Do As I Say.

Sen. Yee was following in a long tradition of fellow Democrats who tell people to do as they say not as they do.
Whether it is Leonardo DiCaprio travelling the world on private jets and yachts as he tells everyone to not use fossil fuels, or fellow Hollywood celebs who are surrounded by 500 armed Los Angeles Police Department officer as they preach gun control, it is a liberal tradition.
It was one year ago that Sen. Yee received a five year prison sentence for accepting bribes and trafficking guns.
“I hope that in your sentencing of me, you will look at my entire life and not just these crimes I have committed,” he begged U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer, The Washington Post reported. “In the 67 years of my life, I have devoted much of it to the work of the community, to people here in San Francisco and in the state of California.”
He said that he was ashamed of hurting his family and supporters.
“That will always weight on me, and that will always haunt me for the rest of my life,” he said.

The judge was unmoved by Sen. Yee’s begging and hit him with a harsh sentence.

“The crimes that you committed have resulted in essentially an attack on democratic institutions,” he said. “This is a serious, serious injury to a governmental institution.”
The judge said Sen. Yee’s involvement in gun running was “hypocritical” and “unfathomable” considering his past advocacy for gun control.
Two years prior to his arrest he told CBS that he wanted to ban assault weapons in California.
“It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear — there is no debate, no discussion,” he said.
Hypocrite thy name is Democrat.

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