Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Stabenow Doesn't Like Her Words Recorded. Is There No Longer Freedom Of The Press? You Won't See This On The Evening News

“For Dem Eyes Only”

Senator Stabenow Kicks Out Tracker for Simply Showing Up
LANSING, Mich., March 28, 2018 – In case you missed it, today United States Senator Debbie Stabenow had a tracker for the independent watchdog group ‘America Rising’ forcibly removed from a public press conference she was holding at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. The tracker was not asking questions or causing a disturbance. He was simply attempting to film the Senator’s remarks on prescription drugs. The event was open to the general public and he was thrown out simply for working for a group that the Senator does not like.
When asked for comment Michigan Republican Party Deputy Chief of Staff Sarah Anderson said the following: “A public servant such as Senator Stabenow should have nothing to hide when it comes to her remarks. Tactics such as these have no place in a free society and are unbecoming of a U.S. Senator.  Debbie Stabenow needs to apologize immediately.”
Audio of the exchange can be found here

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