Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Constant Bickering In The US Makes Democracy A Less Attractive Governmental Model

How The 2016 Election Scandal Helps Russia And China

Recently Wall Street Journal’s Gerald Seib stated the Washington’s constant obsession with the 2016 election by Democrats and Republicans aids Russia and China by confirming a sustainable alternative to democracy.
“[B]oth ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are obsessed with what happened in 2016,” Seib stated. “The deeper reality here is that democracy is under attack. And not just from Russia and not just in 2016.”
“It happened in Europe in 2014, 2015, 2016. It happened here. It’s apparently happening here now. Both the Russians, Vladimir Putin, and President Xi in China, would like to hold out other models besides democracy as the model that other countries in the world ought to follow. There’s a really sustained attack on, basically, the institutions of democracy and its role as a model for the world. And that’s the broader issue here. And it’s now being basically lost as a question that ought to be discussed because of this obsession with 2016.”

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