Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Other Side Of The Tariff Story

Is the Media Hiding This Trump Success?

  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN
97 17 1  153
Is the Media Hiding This Trump Success?
Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons
Anti-Trump media reports have been hyping the President's tariffs as if they 
are going to cause an economic meltdown. As you would expect, there's more
 to this story. From the Wall Street Journal
"United States Steel Corp. n Wednesday said it would fire up a blast furnace

in Granite City, Ill., and call back 500 workers. Century Aluminum Co.  said

last week it will restart lines at a smelter in Kentucky that have been curtailed

since 2015, doubling its workforce there to 600."
. . .
"In Granite City, a town of some 30,000 just across the state line from

St. Louis, the local United Steelworkers office was flooded with calls on

Wednesday from former U.S. Steel workers asking how they could get

their jobs back. Many who didn’t retire when the plant was idled found

jobs at nearby manufacturers or a retail distribution center. Union officials

said those jobs often paid only half of what workers made at the steel mill.

'They’re all ready to come back,' said Dan Simmons, president of

United Steelworkers local 1899."
The people who benefit from the status quo aren't too happy with
 President Trump's tariffs. But for people in steel towns all across 
America, they are thrilled to be back in the game, as suddenly the 
government is fighting back against unfair trade practices that put 
them out of work. New plants are already in the works in Missouri 
and Oklahoma, with more to come as President Trump fights to
 make America great again. 


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