Saturday, March 24, 2018

Transgenders Don't Belong In The Military.

Breaking: Trump issues major decision on transgender members in the military

Breaking: Trump issues major decision on transgender members in the military
The White House announced that President Trump was rescinding a previous memorandum on transgender members of the military, and imposing a ban against those with "gender dysphoria." (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)
In a late Friday evening announcement, the White House announced that transgender persons would be banned from the military, with a few exceptions.
Here’s what they said
“Today the President rescinded his previous memorandum on transgender service in the military in order to allow Secretary Mattis new policy developed through extensive study by senior uniformed and civilian leaders including combat veterans,” thestatement read.
“The experts’ study set forth a policy to enhance our military’s readiness, lethality, and and effectiveness,” it continued. “On the advice of these experts the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security have concluded that the accession or retention of individuals with a history of diagnosis of gender dysphoria – those who may require substantial medical treatment, including through medical drugs or surgery – presents considerable risk to military effectiveness and lethality.”
“This new policy will enable the military to apply well-established mental and physical health standards – including those regarding the use of medical drugs – equally to all individuals who want to join and five for the best military force the world has ever seen,” the statement concluded. “The Secretary of Defense’s memorandum and accompanying report have been made public today.”
What is “gender dysphoria”?
Gender dysphoria is the technical term for transgender persons, those who don’t consider themselves to have a gender that fits into traditional, normal categories. Previously the condition was considered to be an abnormal psychiatric condition, but it is now gaining acceptance as merely another “state” of gender existence, especially among the left.

The Trump administration and the transgender issue
In August 2017, Trump had ordered that gender reassignment surgery not be a part of medical treatment in the military, and said that transgender troops would be banned from the military.
That same month, Defense Secretary Mattis said that transgender members of the military could continue to serve until a panel of experts from Homeland Defense and the Department of Defense study the issue.
In May, the Department of Education said that they would no longer take upcomplaints from students about bathroom access inequality, based on their understanding that it was beyond their legal jurisdiction.

Here’s a CNN news report about the ban:

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