Sunday, March 11, 2018

Trump "Stealing" Democrat Unions

Union President Drops Trump Bombshell… Democrats’ Worst Fears Are Coming True

Unions have been seen as the foundation of Democrat election victories for decades. The loyalty of those workers to vote blue has been taken for granted by liberal politicians since at least the 1960’s… but that could now be changing.
Donald Trump’s tariff proposals have generated serious controversy, with some critics calling them “protectionism.” The economic soundness of the president’s plan is still up for debate, but as a political move it might have been genius.
A major union has just revealed that they’re warming to Trump, and their traditionally blue votes could be switching to red very soon.
During a Thursday interview with the decidedly anti-Trump MSNBC network, the president of United Steelworkers had shockingly positive words to say about Trump and his tariff plan.
“Gerard praised Trump for making it clear he is going to ‘tackle trade deficits’ which he called a ‘wealth transfer’ because they are ‘taking good jobs away,'” reported Real Clear Politics.

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“It’s going to make it very hard for our members to ignore what he just did and what makes me sad is we’ve been trying to get Democrats to this for more than 30 years,” Gerard told MSNBC host Chuck Todd.
That statement could be huge: United Steelworkers is the largest industrial labor union in the entire country, with close to a million members. The union also has close connections to other groups, including AFL-CIO, a powerful lobbying and voting bloc.
It’s worth noting that not only did the president of one of America’s largest unions essentially endorse Trump, but he also slammed Democrats for their failed promises in the same breath.

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“The president has made it really clear that he’s going to tackle the trade deficits,” Gerard explained. “It is unacceptable that America would have an $800 billion trade deficit but when you subtract services, roughly $600 billion annual trade deficit.”
Gerard almost seemed to be repeating Trump’s own talking points. “That’s a wealth transfer and you can’t argue that those trade deficits are creating good jobs,” he stated. “Those trade deficits are taking good jobs away.”
The union boss again slammed Democrats — something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago — and again voiced his trust in Trump.
“All we’re asking for is a level playing field and with the president has done is send a signal that he’s going to help us get a level playing field,” Gerard said.
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“And we gave the Republicans and we gave the Democrats — we’ve given every government since before Clinton hope that they would do something.”
Those words echoed a similar sentiment from another voter group that has traditionally gone Democrat: Immigration advocates. Just yesterday, we reported that Dreamers are starting to call out the left for years of promises and no progress. Sound familiar?
While the media is busy slamming President Trump and calling his supporters crazy, actual Americans are seeing the positives from his first year in office. They’re receiving bonuses and promotions from the tax cut, and signs of an optimistic economy that is ready to explode.
The jury is still out on Trump’s specific tariff plans, but one thing is certain: Democrats may be in for a surprise in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
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