Monday, April 16, 2018

Dems Going After Comey

Clinton Insider Skewers Comey: ‘Lying, Renegade Narcissistic’

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Longtime Clinton insider Lanny Davis is accusing former FBI Director James Comey of being a “liar” and a “renegade narcissist.”
Appearing on “Fox & Friends” on Sunday, Davis pointed to Comey’s interactions with Congress back in September 2016 and his decision the next month to reopen an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Davis said that Comey is lying when he says that he was “obligated” to write a letter on Oct. 28, 2016 reopening the email probe because of promises he had made to Congress. But Davis said that Comey merely told congressional leaders that he would “look at” any new evidence that emerged regarding Clinton emails.
“Mr. Comey is lying when he said he was, quote, ‘obligated’ to write that letter because he promised Congress. He now knows that that’s a false statement; a knowing false statement is a lie,” Davis said.
“He knows all he said to Congress is I will quote ‘look at new information.’ He never said I will turn over something to you,” continued Davis, who worked in the Bill Clinton White House and remains close to the Clintons.
Davis was responding to interviews that Comey has given ahead of the release of his book, “A Higher Loyalty.” Comey has stood by his decision to reopen the Clinton investigation just 11 days before the Nov. 8 election.
The FBI reopened the investigation after the discovery of Clinton’s emails on a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner, the disgraced congressman who is married to longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

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Investigators initially questioned whether the emails were a new batch of classified documents, but they realized in less than a week that the messages were duplicates of other emails that investigators had seen. Comey sent another letter to Congress on Nov. 6, 2016, closing the investigation.
But Davis, like many Clinton supporters, blames Comey for Clinton’s loss to President Donald Trump.
Comey acknowledged in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that his belief Clinton was going to win the election factored into his decision to release the Oct. 28 letter to Congress.
“Wasn’t the decision to reveal influenced by your assumption that Hillary Clinton was going to win, and your concern that, she wins, this comes out several weeks later and then that’s taken by her opponents as a sign that she’s an illegitimate president?” Stephanopoulos asks Comey.
“It must have been,” Comey replied.
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“I don’t remember consciously thinking about that, but it must have been. I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump. I’m sure that it was a factor.”
“That she’s going to be elected president, and if I hide this from the American people, she’ll be illegitimate the moment she’s elected, the moment this comes out,” he added.
Davis asserted that Comey’s actions show he was a “renegade narcissist” who thought that he was “above the law.”
“What he was really doing was protecting his political rear-end with the Republicans because he thought that Hillary Clinton was going to get elected,” he said.

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