Friday, April 20, 2018

Did Obama Wiretap Trump?

Dick Morris: Obama Ordered Wiretaps on Trump Before Election

According to GOP Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, a member of the House Oversight Committee, “The text messages that I’ve had the privilege of reviewing and some of the other correlating information” suggest that the Obama administration — and the president himself — were “involved in the whole narrative of investigating Donald Trump” during the election.
He also said the Obama administration was involved in “drafting some of the action of the Department of Justice and the FBI” during the election to surveil Trump.
Moreover, Meadows said, not only was former President Barack Obama aware of the surveillance of Trump during the election, but he was personally involved in ordering it.
So when Trump said during his transition that Obama was wiretapping him, he was, in effect, quite right.
Meadows stressed that the justification for the surveillance was rooted in the Fusion GPS fake dossier, filled as it was with lies and false leads.
The progress of events is becoming clear:
The dossier, funded by a $12 million contract with the Clinton campaign, developed dirt — notional and fictitious as it was — that became the basis for surveillance of Trump and his staff.
This information was used to justify FISA warrants for further surveillance and to unmask the the names of Americans whose calls the NSA had intercepted.

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Then, the resulting information was leaked to the media and came to dominate the headlines throughout the first half of 2017.
(My wife, Eileen, and I laid all this out in our book “Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump.”)
Each day, more of the story we unfolded and exposed is proving to be true and, if anything, somewhat understated.
As we discover that there was no collusion between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump, the key revelation that comes from this entire post-election investigation is that Obama and his intelligence agencies used government spying to try to defeat Trump during the election and discredit him afterward.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe is like an artifact of that effort, now searching for a new crime to prosecute, after failing to prove any of the previous allegations against Trump.
RELATED: Angela Box: What Did the Media Know, and How Long Have They Known It?
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. 

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