Thursday, April 26, 2018

Gun Laws Didn't Stop This Thug--A Brave Man Did

Cowboy Eyes Punk Holding Gun on Him, Slowly Takes Off His Glasses and Goes to Work

Just because there are relatively strict gun control laws in Mexico, that doesn’t mean criminals won’t still get their hands on guns and use them to do their worst.
Thus, it was no surprise to see surveillance video emerge from a butcher shop/convenience store in Monterrey, Mexico which showed a young punk armed with a revolver attempt to hold up the store, according to Fox News.
What was surprising was the entirely nonplussed reaction the young thug received from an older man wearing a cowboy hat who was standing near the cash register, seemingly not intimidated by the armed robber.
Even as the older man had a revolver pointed his direction, he merely removed his glasses and gave the young punk a hard look.
A female customer emerged from the back of the store and started to approach the register, which drew the attention of the armed young man.
It also provided the opening the older man must have been waiting for.
Without hesitation, the man in the cowboy hat rushed the distracted gunman and knocked the revolver out of his hand. The two then wrestled to the ground, disappearing from view of the camera.
A store employee quickly retrieved the loose gun and retreated from view. Seconds later the would-be bandit — now missing his hoodie and T-shirt — made a break for the door to escape.

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But as the disarmed punk made it to the door, he was clobbered by another store employee and the cowboy-hat-wearing man, who dragged him toward the back of the store while the lady at the cash register called the police, who arrived a short time later and took the young thug into custody.
According to The Washington Post, the man in the cowboy hat is Reynaldo Cardenas, who is a co-owner of the store with his son, Daniel.
The younger Cardenas explained in Spanish to The Post through Facebook messages that the armed punk had actually been spotted in the store a couple of days prior to the robbery attempt, as if he had been casing the joint in preparation.
He also said that despite his father’s incredibly calm demeanor throughout the incident, “he told me that he acted that way out of fear.”
“He really believed the man was going to shoot them. When he had the chance, he acted instinctively to disarm him,” Cardenas said.
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Fear is an incredible motivator, and often goes hand-in-hand with bravery when the chips are down and trouble arrives.
This older gentleman may have been afraid for his life and the life of others, but his heroic actions undoubtedly saved the day.
Rather than cower before the gunman, he instead took decisive action and immediately leveled the playing field by knocking the gun out of the punk’s hand.
His bravery in the face of a terrifying and potentially deadly situation is truly an inspiration to us all.
What do you think? 

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