Monday, April 16, 2018

Is He Sick? He Demands Age Raising to 21 For Guns But Wants Lowering Of Voting Age to 16! Inconsistent At Best!

Teen tyrant David Hogg advocates lowering voting age in D.C. to 16

It seems that David Hogg, the foul-mouthedteen demagogue once dubbed the “king of the snowflakes,” is no longer content with simply restricting our First and Second Amendment rights under the Constitution and now wants to see the District of Columbia lower the voting age to 16.
“Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. please let the youth vote let’s get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most,” he tweeted in response to this tweet:

Here’s Hogg’s tweet:

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 

Responses to Hogg’s demand were pretty much what one might expect:

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 
David, you want the voting age to be 16. Should the ability to buy a gun and alcohol be 21? Should you be able to serve in the army at 16 also? Genuinely curious.

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 
Good grief! We’re still having to deal with rebellious behavior of 16 year olds who are really clueless about life but we should let them vote? How about 10 year olds? 5 year olds? Give me a break.

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 
Good luck young people just don’t care enough about their future to vote

One person noted:

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 
Are you trolling?

Says this while pushing for 21 age limit on gun purchases.

What about age of consent? Are we going to change what age we consider someone to be an adult next? When they can join the military?

You are proving why we have age limits in the first place.

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 

Naturally, Hogg’s supporters dutifully supported his call:

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 
I strongly support an advocate for lowering the voting age to age 16 in every state

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 
I became politically aware at 14. Young people are more in tune and better informed than the average American. They should have a voice. They are, after all, the future and should have a say in the world they are "inheriting". Good luck!

Not if they don’t listen to all of the issues on all sides and make informed decisions.
I think they do. Their message is about less division & focuses on working together for change. I hope they succeed in improving the narrative. I don't believe it's possible; research shows that liberal and conservative brains literally work differently, but it's worth a try.

Pick a #1-5 and tweet at them. @marycheh please let the youth vote let's get young adults in politics asap so they can vote on the issues that effect them most. 

An article at the far-left Mother Jones reported:
For two months now, teenage activists have been leading a movement to vote out of office politicians who stand in the way of gun control. Sixteen- and 17-year-olds in the nation’s capital could soon have the opportunity to do just that. That’s because the DC city council is considering a new bill that would lower the district’s voting age for both local and federal elections. Should it pass, DC could become the first jurisdiction in the country to allow people under the age of 18 to vote for president.
DC council member Charles Allen introduced the Youth Vote Amendment Act of 2018 during the council’s legislative session on Tuesday. The bill would do away with the district’s pre-registration system, which currently allows 16- and 17-year-olds to register in advance for elections scheduled to take place after they turn 18. Instead, Allen’s legislation and would simply allow district residents to register on their 16th birthday and then vote in the next election.
The article goes on to note that DC wouldn’t be the first jurisdiction to lower the voting age below 18:
Nearby Takoma Park, Maryland, lowered its voting age for municipal elections in 2013. Two other DC suburbs in Maryland, Hyattsville and Greenbelt, later followed suit. Other cities, such as Berkeley, California, allow teenagers to cast ballots in local school board elections. But should Allen’s bill pass, DC could become the first place to lower the voting age for federal elections, meaning its more than 11,000 16- and 17-year-olds would be the nation’s youngest voters in the 2020 presidential election.
But why stop there?  Writing at PJMedia, Jim Treacher sarcastically suggested lowering the voting age to six:
I know what you’re saying. “What have you been smoking, Treach? And can you hook me up?” Probably nothing, and definitely not. Now, just hear me out:
Kids Have Longer to Live Than the Rest of Us. As Parkland student and gun-confiscation advocate David Hogg has pointed out, the NRA needs to just shut up because he and his friends will “outlive” them. On average, he’s right. He probably has a lot more time left to say words and make gestures on cable news than older people do. He’ll still be talking while they’re decomposing. By that measure, shouldn’t even younger people have even more of a right to determine their own future?
The more recently you were born, the more time you have to live with your mistakes. Why not start making the big ones now?
So why not give kids who eat Tide Pods and snort condoms the right to vote?  What could possibly go wrong?
As a final note, Hogg marked his 18th birthday with this:


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