Friday, April 20, 2018

Is There Nothing Left That The Democrats Will Try To Do To Stop Trump? Yes!

Chuck Schumer secretly plots to sabotage North Korea talks

Behind the scenes of the U.S. Congress, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer has formed a plan, say reports — and he’s going to do everything he can to stop President Donald Trump from winning a historic diplomatic victory in the upcoming summit U.S.-North Korea summit.
How? By stopping the Congress from confirming Mike Pompeo as secretary of state.

But they won’t do it by winning voters or using political deals. They’ll do it through a technicality.
It seems Democrats are so hysterically anti-Trump, they’d rather risk nuclear war than let the White House look good by securing world peace.
According to The Hill, Schumer and the Democrats “are mulling an audacious plan to bottle up President Trump’s nominee to head the State Department in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — even though Mike Pompeo likely has enough votes to win confirmation on the Senate floor.”
Meanwhile, Chinese and South Korean leaders have confirmed that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s commitment to denuclearize his nation without conditions ahead of his upcoming meeting with Trump.

Just weeks away from that historic peace summit, Trump is asking the Senate to confirm his top diplomat. The Senate has said they would do so, according to the wishes of the American people.
And Schumer is secretly scrambling to stop Pompeo’s nomination from even coming to a vote?
Is there any doubt left that Democrats value political theater over the well-being of the American people?
— The Horn editorial team

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