Thursday, April 5, 2018

Planned Parenthood Admits That Abortion Is Core Principal Of The Organization

Revealed: Ivanka Crushed Absolutely ‘Terrified’ Cecile Richards in Off-Record Meeting

The Trumps are Republicans… but are they conservatives?
That question was raised many times during the presidential campaign, both by Donald Trump’s GOP rivals and concerned voters on the right.
While the president has shown that he is able to stay on the conservative path on at least key issues, his daughter and adviser Ivanka is known to be more moderate… and some would say even liberal.
Perhaps no other issue polarizes Americans like abortion. Considering how passionate both sides are on this sensitive topic, Republicans have been justifiably concerned about where the Trump team truly stands: Are they claiming to be pro-life merely for votes, or is there real conviction behind their words?
Now, we have an answer. The head of Planned Parenthood has revealed that during a closed door meeting facilitated by Ivanka Trump, members of the first family called out the organization for putting abortion ahead of traditional women’s health services.

Conservative Tribune Daily Email

More importantly, they even attempted to make a deal that would have gotten Planned Parenthood out of the abortion business altogether.
“On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards’ new memoir, ‘Make Trouble,’ became available to the public,” explained the Media Research Center.
That book contains a previously unpublicized anecdote. During the first weeks of the Trump presidency, Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner presented a deal: If you want to keep being publicly funded, stop providing abortions.
The offer could be seen as a way of “calling the bluff” of Planned Parenthood’s claim that it provides a wide range of services to women. Liberals have insisted that the well-known group is focused on providing mammograms — it’s not — while also deceptively claiming only three percent of its services are abortions.

Was this a bigger win for the Trump team than Richards is admitting?

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If that were the case, then keeping nearly half a billion dollars in federal funding while making only a small change should be the obvious choice. Of course, it turns out that providing abortions is one of the key reasons that Planned Parenthood exists.
“Richards wrote about Jared’s ‘ideal outcome’: a ‘national headline reading ‘Planned Parenthood Discontinues Abortion Services,’” reported the MRC.
“If she agreed, Planned Parenthood’s funding could possibly increase – and Jared would consider reaching out to House Speaker Paul Ryan on the issue,” the news outlet explained.
Richards was forced to admit that abortions were such an integral part of Planned Parenthood, she couldn’t take the deal.
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“(T)here is no way what you are describing is going to happen,” she declared during the meeting. “Our mission is to care for women who need us, and that means caring for all their reproductive needs – including safe and legal abortion.”
Nothing says “caring and safe” quite like ending a human life and then trying to sell the body parts for profit. Just don’t be an unborn child.
In her own words, Richards left the meeting feeling “deeply afraid for the future of women in America.” It was unclear how she felt about women who never even have a chance at a future because of abortion.
Richards was apparently so “terrified” of meeting with Ivanka that she hid in her car during a stop at a coffee shop on the way to the meeting, out of fear that she might be seen and recognized by liberals. Hiding from your own side because you’re meeting with the “wrong” woman: Isn’t modern feminism great?
The fact that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner quietly arranged this meeting, most likely on behalf of the president, should go a long way to reassure conservatives that the White House team is serious about their pro-life stance.
What Donald Trump does well is cause his opponents to trip themselves up, often by defending an indefensible position.
By having Richards admit that performing abortions is more important to Planned Parenthood than keeping funding for other services, Trump has done just that — but this time it was Ivanka with the winThe deal-making apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
What do you think?

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