Monday, April 16, 2018

The More The Democrats, Mueller And Media Go After Trump, The Higher His Ratings Go

FBI’s Raid of Trump Lawyer’s Office Has Backfired Spectacularly on Mueller

For Democrats, these numbers are going in the wrong direction.
In the wake of the FBI’s raid of the home and office of Michael Cohen on Monday, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, a poll released by Rasmussen finds American voters are growing increasingly suspicious of the motivations behind the “Russia collusion” investigation.
And Trump’s consistent characterization of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe as a “witch hunt” might be starting to sink in.
A poll of 1,000 likely voters found less than half of those surveyed think Mueller’s investigation is an “honest attempt to determine wrongdoing” according to Rasmussen.
Meanwhile, significantly more of those polled consider it a “partisan witch hunt” than the percentage who thought so during a similar survey in October.
Neither number bodes well for the ongoing Democrat-media campaign to discredit the Trump White House.
“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters still believe Mueller’s investigation is an honest attempt to determine criminal wrongdoing, but that’s down from 52% last October,” Rasmussen reported. “Forty percent (40%) now consider Mueller’s probe a partisan witch hunt, an eight-point increase from 32% in the earlier survey. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided.”
In other words, the hoopla surrounding Monday’s raid in New York – executed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York but instigated by Mueller’s investigation — is backfiring badly.

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Despite an incessant drumbeat of negative news and opinions about Trump, the percentage of Americans who believe the Mueller probe is the pursuit of justice has dropped considerably in the past six months.
By contrast, the percentage of those who think it’s politically motivated has increased by an even greater percentage.
In what could be even more galling for left, Trump’s performance in Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, the only poll measuring Trump’s approval rating on a daily basis, showed him at 50 percent approval on Friday, a number he’s rarely reached in his presidency.
While having the approval of half the country might not sound like a huge accomplishment for the president, Trump supporters understand exactly what kind of opposition Trump is facing to get that. As The Daily Wirepointed out:
“… (A)fter record lows in the polls for most of his first year in office, Trump saw significant improvement by December and for the entirety of 2018 has been polling around where President Obama polled at the same time during his presidency.”
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Most readers will remember that Obama, at the same point of his presidency, had been treated for more than a year by a virtual deity by the bootlicking mainstream media and his gushing fans in Hollywood.
For a president to have the kind of personality cult Obama was surrounded by and still poll only 50 percent approval is a testament to the good sense of the American electorate. Voters who were disgusted by the passage of Obamacare and its signature in March 2010 saw right through the endless glorification of the media.
Likewise, Americans who’ve watched as Trump has been attacked on a daily, even hourly, basis by alleged “news” outlets like CNN and the sneering celebrity elite of late-night “comedy” know full well what kind of resistance Trump has faced (it even calls itself “the Resistance” for crying out loud).
Well-publicized dramatics like the Mueller-instigated raid on the home and office of the president’s private lawyers might be intended to turn Americans against Trump, but the Rasmussen poll shows the tactic is backfiring — badly.
What do you think?

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