Saturday, April 7, 2018

Trump Tackles The Post Office

Postal Workers Angry at Trump Just Got Hilariously Bad News

Donald Trump has a new nemesis: the U.S. Postal Service.
Alright, let’s be honest — Trump seems to have a new nemesis every week. With that said, there’s no doubt that the president has made the USPS a serious talking point lately, and postal workers don’t seem to be his biggest fans.
A few months ago, Trump drew ire when he suggested cutting retirement benefits and reducing weekly mail delivery in order to help get the struggling agency back under budget.
The president has also heavily criticized an arrangement between Amazon and the USPS, which he believes is costing the taxpayers a significant amount of money.

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“I am right about Amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money for being their Delivery Boy,” he tweeted on Tuesday.
“Amazon should pay these costs (plus) and not have them bourne by the American Taxpayer. Many billions of dollars. P.O. leaders don’t have a clue (or do they?)!” Trump chastised.
Some employees went postal. In New York, a local post office made the news after it was reported that workers who had proudly displayed portraits of Barack Obama and Joe Biden refused to do the same for the 45th president.

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The USPS employees behind that apparent anti-Trump slight just got some bad news: Their congressman is trying to make Trump’s mug mandatory at all post offices.
“Rep. Dan Donovan (R-N.Y.) is planning to introduce legislation that will mandate that post offices of the U.S. Postal Service display photos of the president and the vice president,” stated The Hill.
Of course, it wouldn’t be just Trump, but a portrait of the current president and vice president, whoever they may be.
“A draft of the legislation Donovan plans to introduce says it would require that official portraits of the president and vice president be displayed side-by-side,” continued the report.
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If that bill passes, the politically peeved postal workers will have no choice but to walk past the grinning faces of Trump and Vice President Mike Pence every day, a harmless but humorous scenario that might make them think twice about political stunts the next time.
The idea of anti-Trump postal workers getting their just desserts is good for a chuckle, but the truth is the USPS is in real trouble. A spat over portraits is not what the agency needs to worry about right now.
“From 2013 to 2016, the USPS averaged a net loss of $5.3 billion per year,” admitted Bloomberg News, which is no pro-Trump mouthpiece. “The president is right to be concerned with the state of the USPS. The question is whether Trump actually wants to fix the agency or simply tweet about it.”
Ironically, if Trump is able to tackle this issue, he could be remembered as the president who helped save America’s long-serving postal service. It’s an uphill battle … but if he pulls it off, there wouldn’t be any reason to complain about his portrait on the wall.
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