Thursday, April 26, 2018

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John Bolton Informs DC Staffers that He’s Cleaning House with High-Level Shakeups

John Bolton Informs DC Staffers That He’s Cleaning House With High-level Shakeups
John Bolton will be making some big changes to the National Security Council, according to a recent Fox News report.
As the newly appointed national security adviser in the Trump administration, Bolton has warned NSC employees that staff changes are coming, including a flood of new people people and a structure reorganization, Fox News reported Wednesday via a Trump administration source.
Bolton reportedly told staffers in a Wednesday morning memo that these staff changes may include high-level director positions.
“The source said that while some at the National Security Council (NSC) welcome Bolton’s changes, the news will upset many White House staffers who are overworked and overwhelmed as a result of the administration’s mercurial foreign policy,” Fox reported.
“The source added that it is possible that skilled NSC staffers will leave their posts as a result of the changes, making it hard to attract other potential staffers.”
Bolton has already started making significant changes to the NSC.
Within four days of taking the position, four key national security advisers resigned or were ousted from their positions, including NSC spokesman Michael Anton, homeland security adviser Tom Bossert, as well as deputy national security advisers Ricky Waddell and Nadia Schadlow, Fox reported.

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According to CNN, a senior White House official said that after speaking with Bolton, Schadlow chose to resign “to allow him to build his own NSC leadership team.”
Bolton took his position earlier this month, replacing H.R. McMaster who was tapped last year to succeed Michael Flynn after he resigned in February 2017.
A former American ambassador to the United Nations, Bolton has been a vocal supporter of the nation of Israel and has taken a tough stance on Iran, China, Russia and North Korea.
“Selecting John Bolton as national security adviser is good news for America’s allies and bad news for America’s enemies,” said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. “He has a firm understanding of the threats we face from North Korea, Iran and radical Islam.”
Bolton also met with Defense Secretary Mattis on Wednesday, Fox reported. According to Pentagon Spokesman Dana White, it was the first of a series of regular meetings that will hopefully later include President Trump’s pick for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo.
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