Friday, April 6, 2018

Who Do You Love More, Your Family Or The Burglar?

Border Agent Gives Fox Single Best Quote on Wall We’ve Ever Heard

Largely due to the intransigence of Congressional Democrats — and more than a few establishment Republicans — President Donald Trump has received very little legislative cooperation with his efforts to secure our nation’s porous southern border with a wall.
As such, it was announced Wednesday that National Guard troops would soon be deployed in the border states to provide necessary assistance to an overworked and understaffed Border Patrol agency, until such time as sufficient progress on the wall had been made.
Border Patrol agent Art del Cueto, president of the Border Patrol Union in Tucson, Arizona, and vice president of the Border Patrol Council, said Wednesday on Fox News that border agents were “very grateful” with the support they were being given by the president, as well as Trump’s focus on securing the border with a wall where necessary.
As to the oft-promised by Trump — and much-maligned by the left — border wall, del Cueto summed up its necessity with perhaps the best quote on the topic we’ve ever heard, using the analogy of locking the front door of a person’s home.

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“The reason we lock our doors at night is because we love the people inside, not because we hate the people outside,” del Cueto said.
And that right there is essentially the crux of the matter when it comes to the border wall.
The wall isn’t necessary to keep all non-American citizens out of the country. It is necessary to protect the American citizens who live within the country — which is pretty much the first overarching duty of the U.S. government.
“We have somebody who’s running the country that’s putting immigration at the forefront,” del Cueto said of Trump, and he welcomed the “extra set of eyes” the National Guard troops would provide, allowing Border Patrol agents to actually enforce the laws along the border.

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This isn’t the first time in recent years that National Guard troops have been deployed to provide assistance to Border Patrol agents, as similar deployments were conducted under both the administrations of former President Barack Obama and George W. Bush.
According to Arizona Public Media, the National Guard troops that will be deployed to the border won’t be making arrests or enforcing any laws, as they lack the specific training or authority to do so. Instead, they will serve in a support role to the Border Patrol agents who are already there.
That means they will be watching camera feeds, monitoring sensors and fulfilling other administrative and logistical roles, which frees up the Border Patrol agents to conduct enforcement actions like the detainment and processing of illegal immigrants and criminal drug smugglers.
“By having that extra pair of eyes, you can take the agents away from some of the camera points, some of the sensors and actually be able to have them down affecting arrests, doing their jobs,” del Cueto told APM.
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CBN News reported that the Trump administration, specifically the Department of Homeland Security under Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, is currently ironing out the details of the deployments with the governors of the four southern border states.
Those state governors, with the likely exception of California, have expressed their support for the plan, as has the Border Patrol.
“It’s something that’s needed; especially out here in Arizona where we’re still responsible for close to 50 percent of all the drug seizures in the entire country,” del Cueto said. “It’s a big deal to have the extra eyes so the agents can take the time to patrol areas of the field.”
Trump is serious about securing the southern border of our nation, and given the failure of Congress to cooperate with his plans on constructing a border wall, the deployment of National Guard troops is absolutely necessary.
Since we love and cherish our fellow American citizens and want to keep them safe from harm, isn’t it high time we go ahead and “lock the door” to the country just as we do with our homes?
What do you think?

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