Thursday, May 24, 2018

Another Hollywood Bigwig Falling To The #MeToo Movement

Hollywood's BIGGEST STAR 

Accused of Sexual Misconduct

  • 05/24/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN
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Hollywood's BIGGEST STAR Accused of Sexual Misconduct
By CynSimp (Flickr) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
At 80, Morgan Freeman is Hollywood royalty. The Oscar winner's career
 includes such classics as "Driving Miss Daisy," "Unforgiven," "The Shawshank
 Redemption," and "Million Dollar Baby."

Now, in his sunset years, Freeman stands accused of serial sexual harassment 
by eight women.

Again, it appears this was an open secret in liberal Hollywood. Young female 
staffers in Hollywood reportedly knew not to wear any form-fitting clothing 
around the legendary star.

Multiple women accuse Freeman of unwanted groping, but they didn't report 
it at the time because of his clout in the industry. Prior to the #MeToo 
movement, alleged victims in similar situations typically suffered repercussions.

Instead, these women said they changed their behavior, by dressing more 
plainly and staying vigilant when they knew Freeman was on set.


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