Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Corruption Waters Style!

Maxine Waters Under Ethical Scrutiny, Transferring $100K to Daughter from Campaign Funds

Maxine Waters Under Ethical Scrutiny, Transferring $100k To Daughter From Campaign Funds
Democrat California Congresswoman Maxine Waters is slated to pay her daughter over $100,000 in campaign funds this election cycle, drawing scrutiny from multiple media outlets.
The Daily Caller News Foundation reported $42,862 has already been paid to Karen Waters since the beginning of 2017 based on Federal Election Commission filings, while another $65,000 is listed as yet to be paid for “professional services” working on a “slate mailer.”
According to The Washington Free Beacon, the younger Waters had collected approximately $650,000 as of April for running the slate mail operation for her mother over multiple election cycles.
That figure will top over $750,000 by the end of this cycle.
The Citizens for Waters slate mailers contain a list of all the candidates the congresswoman is endorsing.
“The mailers are sent to nearly 200,000 residents in South Central Los Angeles, an area where Waters holds considerable clout,” The Beacon reported.
“The mailers contain an ‘official sample ballot’ and brief quotes from Waters about the candidates and measures that she supports,” the news outlet added.
During the 2016 election cycle, Citizens for Waters collected close to $300,000 from more than 20 payments to the campaign.

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Karen Waters was paid $65,287 during that cycle to run the slate mailer operation.
In 2016, California Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris contributed $30,000 to Waters’ campaign to appear in the endorsement mailers.
In 2010, she paid $28,000, according to The Beacon, for the same service when she was a candidate for California’s attorney general.
“In the midst of a national financial catastrophe (following the 2008 stock market crash), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) used her position as a senior member of Congress and member of the House Financial Services Committee to prevail upon Treasury officials to meet with OneUnited Bank,” CREW explained. “She never disclosed that her husband held stock in the bank.”
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According to CREW, her husband had also previously served on the board in what is billed as “America’s largest black owned bank.” The Washington Examiner reported the bank received $12 million in bailout funds from the federal government.
After a multi-year investigation, the House Ethics Committee ruled Waters did not technically break any rules, but brought to light the congresswoman’s questionable practice of making her grandson, Mikael Moore, her chief of staff.
Omar Navarro, Waters’ 2018 Republican challenger, dinged his rival for riding in Saturday’s Armed Forces parade in Torrance in a BMW convertible and living in a mansion outside of the 43rd congressional district she represents, which is located on the south side of Los Angeles.
“Where is Maxine Waters going?” he tweeted. “Maybe #HancockPark to the 4.3 Million Dollar Mega home outside the district.”

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