Thursday, May 17, 2018

Democrats And Lame Stream Media Misrepresent Trump's Statements, Purposely And Deceitfully. This Type Of Media Malfeasance One Day Will End Freedom Of Press.

Chuck Schumer BUSTED in nasty lie (7 news outlet caught!)

While railing against California laws that protect illegal immigrant criminals, President Donald Trump referred to MS-13 gang members as “animals” — and Democratic leaders pounced.
They accused Trump of being a racist and said he thinks immigrants are subhuman — and the mainstream media was very happy to play along.
In a meeting with California leaders, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims expressed her frustrations to Trump over the federal government’s handling of violent criminal illegal immigrants, and cited MS-13 gang members as an example.
“We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them,” Trump said in reponse. “You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals.”
MS-13 is a violent El Salvadorian gang that is behind thousands of cases of sex trafficking, rape, and murder throughout the United States in recent years — and Democrats rushed to defend them.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, responded on Twitter to the president, saying, “When all of our great-great-grandparents came to America they weren’t ‘animals,’ and these people aren’t either.”
And House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi said, “Every day that you think you’ve seen it all, along comes another manifestation of why their policies are so inhumane.”
They weren’t alone. According to Mediaite — a left-leaning news outlet — more than 11 major mainstream media outlets purposefully took Trump’s comments out-of-context as a way to attack him.
CNN, The New York Times, ABC News, CBS News, The Washington PostThe Huffington PostThe New York Daily News and more all jumped on the phrase, sharing the soundbite without context.
Watch the videos below. Notice how every mainstream organization removed the question Trump was answering that refers to MS-13.
Without fail, they each report Trump was referring to “some immigrants” — not illegal, violent gang members — as animals. Then, watch the unedited video below it that includes the question that Trump was asked.
No wonder no one trusts the mainstream media anymore.
Without context that looks pretty bad!

So, here’s the question and the president’s full answer, presented without edits —

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